The kingis majestie and whole estates of parliament being conveend in parliament as is befor mentionat.

Protestatione be the Lord Borthuick

The Lord Borthwicke protestite that the reiding and calling of the rolles as they stand red and callit this day, nor his ryding and sitting in this parliament, doe nowayes prejudge him of that place and preceance due to him conforme to his birth rightes and infeftmentes, bot that it shall be laufull to him, according to his birth rightes and infeftmentes, to cleame place and preceance in parliamente and all other private and publict meetingis as accordis of the law; and heirwpon askit instrumentes.

Protestatione for Fyiffe

The Laird of Cambo, for the shereffdome of Fyiffe, protestit that the reiding and calling of the rolles as the samene standis this day callit and the ryding of the commissioneres of shyres in this present parliament should nowayes be prejudiciall to the place and ranke due to the said shereffdome of Fyffe and commissioneres therof in parliament.

Protestatione for the shereffdome of Berwik

The Laird of Weddirburne, for the shereffdome of Berwike, protestit that the reiding and calling of the rolles and ryding, sitting and voyceing of the commissioneres of shyres in this present parliament should nowayes be prejudiciall to the shereffrdome of Berwik and commissioneres therof anent ther ranke and place in former parliaments and in parliamentes heirefter.

Protestatione for the haill barones

The Laird of Cessnocke, in name of the haill barrones, protestit that the reiding and calling of the rolles, the ryding, sitting and voyceing of the commissioners this day in this present parliament should nowayes be prejudiciall to any of the shyres of this kingdome and ther commissioneris anent the places and rankes dewe to the saidis haill shyres and ther commissionares in any parliamentes heirefter.

  1. NAS, PA2/22, f.205r-205v.