Reference in favoures of James Sinclare of Scallouay and Johne Edmonstoune, ministere

The quhilk day the kingis majestie and estates of parliament hes remitted and remittes the supplicatione givine in to the parliament by James Sinclare of Skallaway and Johne Edmonstone, minister at Yell, againes Maister James Mowat and Niniane Nivine and certane others, complaineing wpon the insolencies and wronges committed be them in Yetland and craveing redresse thairof, as the supplicatione mor fullie proportes, to the lordis and otheres of his hienes secreet counsell in statu quo nunc est befor the parliament. Quhairintill Maister James Baird, advocate for the supplicantes, protestit for the expenss of the witness and pairties in respect of there long attendance heir in toune, and Maister Rodger Mowat and Adame Hepburne, procuratores for the pairties compleened wpoun, protestit in the contrair, and that there defenss may be reserved and they hard befor any witness be received.

  1. NAS, PA2/22, f.203r.