Reference in favoures of the Lord Sinclare

The quhilk day, anent the supplicatione givine in to the kingis majestie and estates of parliament be Johne, lord Sinclaire, beirand that in the begining of thir troubles he was imployed toward the northerne pairtes of this kingdome for giveing informatione to them of the reassones and groundis of the proceeding in reformatione and advanceing of the good cause, and bringing ane regiment if it ware possible from thence hither, which voyage the supplicant wndertooke and by Godis assistance overcame the difficulties and past throughe the most pairt of that divisione committed to his chairge with such traine and expenss as was necessare for the publict end and his securiti, and not onlie be trewe informatione brought the people to that conformity which heath evir since continowed them in quyetnes, bot did levie and bring from thence ane compleet regiment, which yit doeth continue in the north for good wse and heath therby relived the publict of the greater expenss of ane greater regiment formerlie imployed in these places. And sieing all these bygone troubles are happily quyeted, the supplicant representes these to the king and parliament, desyreing to take the premiss and his supplicatione givine in therupon to consideracion that he may have exonoracion and approbatione of his service and that such course may be takine heiranent as shall seeme expedient, as the foirsaid supplicatione in the selfe at more lenth proportes. Quhilke supplicatione being this day red in audience of the king's majestie and estates of parliament, his majestie and estates foirsaidis remittes the samene and desyre of the suplicant thairintill to the committee appoynted be the kingis majestie and estates of parliament for the commone burdings of this kingdome to be considerit be them.

  1. NAS, PA2/22, f.201v.