Act ordeaneing the persuer of the theeff to be restored to his oune goodes

Oure soverane lord and estates of parliament, wnderstanding that when any theefes were takene and executed for thefte or declaired fugitives for not entring and wnderlying the law, therfore there whole escheat fell to the kingis majestie and the goodes stolne perteeneing to the persewer of the saidis thives, and so the said pairtie wronged was prejudged of his owne geir. Therfore and for remeed wherof, our said soverane lord and estates of parliament statutes and ordeanes that any persone haveing any goodis or geir stolne from them, and haveing persued the steiller therof, shall have ther owne goodes agane where evere the same goodes can be apprehendit altho the theeffe, steiller therof, suffer; and wher the saidis stolne goodes cannot be had, ordeanes the persueres of the said theefe to have the just value, pryce and availl of the goodes and geir stollen from him out of the reddiest of the theeves goodis, togidder with the expenss they shall waire in the said persut, the persueres allwayes persewing the theeffe wsque ad sententiam, reserveing to the taker and shereffe the expences bestowed by them in the takeing and executione of the theeffe.

  1. NAS, PA2/22, f.197r.