Act anente the electione of the precidente of parliamente

Our soverane lord and estates of parliament, considering how necessary and expedient it is that in everie parliament to be holdine within this kingdome there be a president of parliament choosine be his majestie or his commissioner and estates of parliament to praeceed in all materes to be agitated in parliament, therfore his majestie, with advyse and consent foirsaid, statutes and ordeanes that in all succeeding parliamentes, after taking of the oath of parliament by all the memberes therof, they shall make choyse of the lord chancellour or any other the king or his commissioner and the estates shall appoynt to be president of parliament, who shall remaine and continue president asweell in that parliament wherin he is choysen as in the nixt parliament subsequent wntill the said oath be takine and ane other choosene to be president in his roome.

  1. NAS, PA2/22, f.196r.