The Records of the Parliaments of Scotland to 1707, K.M. Brown et al eds (St Andrews, 2007-2024), date accessed: 15 November 2024
Act anente loyall packing of sallmond
Our soverane lord and2 assembled, wnderstanding that the sallmond fishingis are one of the principall benefites wherby trade is menteyned and money brought in the kingdome, and that throw the evill ordering therof, both in the insufficiency of the barrelles and alse in the disloyall packeing of the same, not onlie is the merchantes estate damnified therby, bot alslo the natione is dishonoured abroad and disappoynted of what should returne therby, therfore our said soverane lord, with advyse and consent of the saidis estates, ordeanes ane act to be made ratifieing and approveing all and sindrie actes of parliament, lawes and constitutiones of this realme made anent salmond fishing and the sufficiencie of the barrelles and loyall paking therof, with this additione: that the whole couperes within this kingdome make the said sallmond barrelles of good and sufficient new knappell, wherfore he shall be ansuerable, without worme bolles, and whyte wood of sufficient tichtnes for conteyneing the pickle and sufficient tichtnesse for enduring all kynde of stresse in the handlinge, and that the barrelles conteyne no les then ten gallones of the Stirvling pinte, conforme to ane act of his majesties counsell of the daite at Halyrudhouse, the fyfteene day of Julij 1619 yeeres, which his majestie, with consent foirsaid, ratifies and approves in all the heidis, clauses and articles therof, to be ratified in this present parliament wnder the paine of fyve pundis to be payed by the couper for ilke wnsufficient barrell and escheate of the samene barrell; and that the same be well pyned in the pickle before the packing therof, and thereftir the said barrelles to be weell tichted and double girthed befor the transporting therof to forrane nationes, and that no barrell be sooner made and blowne bot that the couperes birne be set therone one the tapone staffe therof in testimony of the sufficiency of the tree; and that everie couper be ansuerable and lyable in payment of such losses as happine to be laid one the fishe at the mercate if it be fund to be in the defaulte of the couper by the insufficiencie of the tree or packinge or any other meanes in the couperes faulte, and that they keepe right jedge both in the lenth of the staves, the bilge girthe, the wydnes of the heid and deepnes of the chine, the barrell being made, marked and thrice gene in the packinge shall be marked with the marking yrone wnder a verie particulare merchandis marke as wse is. And that no burghe nor any other tradeing with salmond shall presume to counterfite the marke or birne of Aberdene, wnder the pane of consifcatione of the sallmond, by and attour the punishment of the pairties counterfiteres at the pleasoure of the judge ordinar, the one halfe of the said paine to perteene to his majestie and the other halfe to the burghe so wronged; and ordeanes the magistrates within burghe to put this act to executione.
- NAS, PA2/22, f.193v-194r.
- APS inserts the words 'estates presentlie' at this point.