Procedure: remit to the privy council
Act in favoures of the Erles of Mar and Linlythgoue

The quhilk day the kingis majestie and estates of parliament, considering that be ane act of this present parleament of the dait heirof, intitulit 'Act dischairgeing monopolies', the patent granted to the Erle of Linlithgowe for making poulder and the patent of leather granted to the Erle of Mare are therby dischairged, and that the saides erles heath formerlie bestowed chairges wpoun the saidisworks, therfore his majestie and estates of parliament remittes to the counsell to take consideracion of the saidis chairges and expenss bestowed be the saidis tuo erles, and ilke ane of them, wpoun the foirsaide workes conteynt in thair patent, and to grant recompence for the same.

  1. NAS, PA2/22, f.186v.