Act dischairging monopolies

Oure soverane lord and estates of parliament, considering the great hurt and prejudice susteend by sindrie his majesties leidges by the monopolies wsed and exacted within this kingdome and which heath bene conferred to the wse of any particular persone or persones, to the great hurt and prejudice of otheres his majesties leges, and speciallie the gifte for selling tobacco granted to Sir James Leslie and Thomas Dallmahoy, the patent of the lether granted to the Erle of Marre, the patent of peirling granted to [...] Bannatyne, the patent of pearle granted to Robert Buchane, the patent of armory granted to Williame2 Mauld, therefore our soverane lord and estates of parliament by the tennour heirof, annulls, reshindis and simply dischairges the particulare giftes foirsaidis granted to the persones abovewrittin, and all that may fallowe or heath fallowed therwpoun, and ordeines the same and all other patentes of that nature, purchast or to be purchast, for the benefiet of particulare persones in prejudice of the publict to cease and be ineffectuall in all tymecomeing.

  1. NAS, PA2/22, f.186v.
  2. 'Henrie' inserted in APS and 'Harrie' in the printed act, The Acts made in the Second Parliament of our most high and dread sovereign Charles, p.150.