The Records of the Parliaments of Scotland to 1707, K.M. Brown et al eds (St Andrews, 2007-2024), date accessed: 19 September 2024
Commissioune anente the articles referred to consideracion by the treatty
Our soverane lord, with consent of the estates of parliament, considering that there are sindrie heades of the articles of the treattie of peace betuixt his majestie and his subjectes and betuixt his majesties kingdomes of Scotland and England which are referred to be takine in consideracione by the commissioneres to be appoynted by his majestie, with consent of both parliaments, who shall have pouer to advyse and treate therwpon and to reporte ther proceedingis therine to his majestie and to the parliament of both kingdomes respective, and specially the articles eftirspecified; and his majestie, with consent foirsaid, being willing that a commissione be exped one ther pairt for advysing and treating wpoun the saidis articles with the commissioneres chosene or to be chosene by his majestie, with consent of the parliament of England, within which is includit the kingdome of Ireland, therfore, his majestie, with consent and advyse of the estates, gives and grantes full pouer and commissione to the persones eftirspecified: Williame, erle of Lothiane, Johne, erle of Lindsay, Johne, lord Ballmerino, Sir Thomas Myretoune of Cambo, Sir Thomas Hope of Kerse, Sir Archbald Johnestoune of Wareistoune, Sir Johne Smyth of Grottell, burges of Edinburghe, Patrike Bell, merchand burges of Glasgow, and Maister Robert Barclay, burges of Irving, as also to Johne, erle of Loudoune, chancellor of Scotland, and Archbald, marqueis of Argyle, earle of Kintyre, lord Lorne, or any of them tuo who bees at court, to be of the commissione with the remanent commissioners abovenamed. With power to the saidis whole commissioneres abovenamed (or any fyve of them, ther being one at least of everie estate) to conveene with the commissioneres chosene or to be chosine by his majestie, with consent of the parliament of Ingland (within which is includit the parliament of Ireland as said is) at whatsoever tymes and places convenient to be accordit one amonges them, and ther to consult, advyse, treate and agree wpoun the speciall headis and articles falloweing, viz: anent the demand conserneing the makeing warre with forraigneres and anent leagues and confederacions to be mad wth forrane princes and estates; and conserneing mutuall supplie incaise of forrane invasione; and also conserneing mutuall trade and commerce betuixt the kingdomes of Scotland, England and Ireland, and anent the pressing of shipes or men by sea or land; and als anent naturalizatione and mutuall capacity of the subjectes of both kingdomes who either of them respective of all dignityes, liberties, priviledges and other benefites, ecclesiasticall or civill, and otheres of that nature; and conserneing the laufullnes and solemnity of the extractes of bandes or decreetes in either of the saides kingdomes; and als conserneing the maner of saife conduct for transporting from England to Scotland by sea or land in such a way as may be most secure and least chargeable to the estate of Scotland off the money givine and promitted by way of brotherlie supply and assistance to the estate and kingdome of Scotland by the parliament of England; and conserneing what assistance Scotland shall give to England for the suppressing of the rebellione in Ireland or to the Prince Elector conforme to the instructiones givine or to be givine to them for that effect by the lordis of secreet counsell, to whom his majestie and estates of parliament remittes the same; and what the saidis commissioneres there treates with the saidis commissioneres of England and Ireland resolves and concludis wpoun, that they may mak tymous and due report therof to his majestie and the estates of this kingdome.
- NAS, PA2/22, f.178v-179v.