The Records of the Parliaments of Scotland to 1707, K.M. Brown et al eds (St Andrews, 2007-2024), date accessed: 15 September 2024
Commissione for conserveing the articles of treattie
Our soverane lord, considering that by the late articles of the treattie concludit betuixt the commissioners of his majesties kingdome of Scotland and England, ratified by parliamentes of bothe kingdomes, it is thought fit and necessarie, for observeing the saidis articles of treatty mad for establishing a firme and constant peace, that pouer and commissione be granted from his majestie, by advyce of the estates of parliament of bothe kingdomes, to the effect conteened in the said articles of treatty. For performance wherof, wpoun the pairt of his majesties said kingdome of Scotland, his majestie, with consent of the estates of the said kingdome, by thir presentes, gives and grantes power and commissione to the persones efterspecified, viz: Johne, lord Loudoune, chancellour, James, duke of Lennoxe, James, marques of Hammiltoun, Archbald, erle of Argyle, Williame, erle of Mortoun, Alexander, erle of Eglingtoun, Williame, erle of Glencairne, Charles, erle of Dumfermeling, Robert, erle of Roxburghe, Williame, erle of Lothiane, Johne, erle of Lauderdaill, George, erle of Kinnoule, Williame, erle of Lanarke, Alexander, erle of Levine, Johne, lord Lindesay, Johne, lord Ballmerino, James, lord Almond, Sir Patrike Hepburne of Wauchtone, Sir George Dundas of that Ilke, Sir Thomas Mortoune of Cambo, Sir Patrike Hammiltoun, Sir Thomas Hope of Kerse, Sir Robert Innes of that Ilke, Sir Archbald Johneston, Sir Alexander Erskeene of Dun, Sir David Home of Wedderburne, Sir Robert Greirsone of Lag, Sir Williame Scote of Harden, Sir Johne Charteres of Amisfeeld. [...] Ruthven of Freeland, [...] Campbell of Cesnok, Sir David Grahame of Morphie, Sir Harie Montgomery of Giffen, Sir Williame Forbes of Cragivare, Sir William Douglas of Cavers, Edvard Edger, Patrike Bell, Williame Glendonying, Johne Smyth, Maister Robert Barclay, Thomas Durhame, James Fletcher, Patrik Lesly, Thomas Bruce, George Bell, James Suord, Johne Rutherfoord, Maister Johne Corser, Hew Kennedy, Johne Semple, Maister Robert Cunyngham, Maister Alexander Douglas, Richard Maxwell, or any tuelve of them, with power to them or any tuelve of theme as said is, ther being at least tuo of everie estate at any tyme or tymes in the interim betuixt the siting of the parliamentes, to conveene amongest themselves or with the commissioneres chosine or to be chosene to the same effect by his majestie, with consent of the parliament of England, within which is includit the kingdome of Ireland, at whatsoevir tymes and places convenient to be accordit wnto amongest themselves, and to be cairfull that the peace now happilie concludit may be continoued and to endevore by all laufull meanes for preserveing and keeping the saidis articles of peace concludit in the foirsaid treatty allenerly, and therwith to use all ther caire to preveene all trouble and divisione which may aryse by the breakeing and violating of any of the saidis articles concludit in the said treatty as said is. And if any debate or difference shall happen to aryse to the disturbance of the said commoune peace, that they laboure to remove ore compose the samene according to thair power granted to them in maner foirsaid and no otherwayes, it being allwayes provydit that for all there proceedingis in this kynd they shall be ansuerable for the laufullnes therof to the kingis majestie and the parliament respective. And if any thing fall forth beyond ther power and which cannot be remedied by them, that they informe themselves of the particulares therof and represent the samene to his majestie and to the ensueing parliaments respective that by his majesties wisdome and authorie and theires, all occasions and causes of troubles being removed, the peace of the kingdome may be perpetuall to all posterity. And it is declaired that the power of this commissione shall be restrayned to the articles of peace concludit in the said treatty as said is, and shall endure for the interim betuixt parliamentes allenerly, and shall expyre at the nixt ensueing parliament, at the which the saidis commissioneres shall be holden to give ane accompt of ther diligence and proceeding in the premiss.
- NAS, PA2/22, f.178r-178v.