
Prayer said and rolles callit.

Rege presente.

Legislation: private act
Ratificatione to the Universitie of Sanct Androis of the mortificatione of the rentes of the pryorie and beshoperik therof

Our soverane lord, with consent of the estates of parliament, ratifies and approves the signatour passed be his majesties in favoures of the Universitie of Sanct Androwes, principall, regentes, professoures and foundit persones of the same, of the fewe mailles, feuefermes, caynes, customes, kirkis, teyndis and otheres rentes perteaneing to the lat beshoprike of Sanct Androis, temporality and spirituality therof, and of the monasterie place of the pryorie Sanct Androis, houss, biggingis, yairdes and haill pertinentes of the samene lyand within the precint therof, and of the whole few mailles, fewfermes, caynes, customes, kirks, teyndis and otheres rentes perteaneing to the pryorie of Sanct Androis, temporality and spirituality therof, generallie and speciallie mentionat in the said signatoure of the dait the nynt day of October lastbypast in the haill heidis and articles thairof, and willes and declaires that this present ratificatione shall be alse valied, effectuall and sufficient as if the whole tennour therof wer insert. And his majestie, with consent foirsaid, dissolves the saides fewmailles, fewfermes, caynes, kirkis, customes, teyndis and otheres dueties foirsaid perteaneing to the lat beshoprike and priorie of Sanct Androis, with the said monastrie place of the said pryorie, houss, biggingis, yairdis and otheres within the precinct therof, fra the beshoprike and pryorie and fra all fundationes thairof, and als from all actes of annexatioun in whole or in pairt annexing the same to the croune or to the said archbeshoprik, and wnites and annexis the samene to the said University of Sanct Androis, principall, regentes, professoures and other foundit persones thairof, to remaine with them and ther successoures in all tymecomeing as ane monument and testimony of his majesties gratious favour for menteyneing and encreasing of pietie, religioun and learneing within the kingdome, quhairof the said universitie is ane principall seminarie. Exceptand allwayes from this present act the particular exceptiones mentionat in the said signatour, and als exceptand the provisione and recourse for securitie of the fie and yeirly duety of fyve hundreth merkis appoynted be the late act of parliament made the ellevint of Junii 1640 and in the act of committie of estates daited the aughteene of December thaireftir, to Maister Robert Dallgleishe, present agent for the kirke and his successoures, and also reserveing to the lordis of sessione there yeirlie contributione out of the said beshopricke and pryorie with and wnder the whilke exceptiones this present act is made. And it is declaired be his majestie, with consent of the estates, that this present act nor the signatour therby ratified is nawayes extendit to the superiorities of the vasselles of the said archbeshoprike and pryorie, nor to the quarrelling or impunging of the vasselles rightes upoun clauss irritant or other ground, reasone or clause whatsomevir, nor yit to the right of the regality nor heritable offices of regality, stueartrie or bailliarie of the said archbeshoprike and pryorie or landis perteyneing or annexit therto, bot that the said superiority and right of regality remane wndisponed with his majestie and his successoures and the heritable offices of regality, stewartrie or bailliarie to remaine with these of his majesties subjectes to whom the samene are heritably disponed. And also it is declaired that thir presents is without prejudice of all persones reightes as accordis of the law, and sicklyke it is likewayes declaired that the foirsaid gifte and this present ratificatione shall not prejudg the heritouris of the benefit of the valuatione of the teyndis of ther landis abovespecifit, ather valued or to be valued, conforme to the act of parliament, except that aikers teyndis in Sanct Androes excepted in the signatour abovewrittin, and als excepting and reserveing out of the mortificatione and ratificatione foirsaid the kirkis of Haddingtoune and Linlithgow whilkis ware dissolved and dismembrit from Sanct Androes and disponit to the Erle of Haddingtoune, and als all rightes granted be the Duike of Lennok to Sir Alexander Gibsone of Durie, knight, of the teyndis of his landis, the Erle of Haddingtoun and Lord Duree payand to the university the reddendo conteyned in thair rightis, if ony be, with the whilkis declarationes, exceptiones and reservationes respective abovementionat this present ratification is past and granted, and, if neid beis, ordeines ane gifte of mortificatione to be past and exped at his majesties great seale relative to the act of parliament foirsaid.

  1. NAS, PA2/22, f.147v-148v.