Act and warrand for the title page to be prefixed in the prenting to the actes of parliament, 11 Junii 1640

The quhilk day his majestie and estates of parliament appoyntes the clerkis of parliament to prefixe in the prenting of the actes in June 1640 in the first page therof thir wordis falloweing, viz: The actes made in the sessione of the second parliament of our highe and dread soverane Charles, be the grace of God, king of Scotland, England, France and Ireland, defender of the faith etc., haldine at Edinburgh, the ellevinth of June 1640 yeires, by the estates of parliament, conveened by his majesties speciall authoritie, prented at Edinburgh be Robert Young and Evane Tayler, prenters to the kingis most excellent majestie cum privilegio regie majistatis; and that no other act be prefixed to the saidis actes bot they be prented conforme to the modall of the treattie as they stand.

  1. NAS, PA2/22, f.128v.