Act of exonoratione and approbation in favoures of Maister Alexander Hendersone

The quhilk day the kingis majestie and estates of parliament, haveing takine to there consideratione the petition givine in to them be Maister Alexander Hendersone, minister of Edinburghe, makeand mentione that he, being appoynted be the presbetrie of Edinburgh to attend the generall in the late expeditione, he was by the inciting of the ministeris at Newcastle and by the commissioneris of estates there joyned with the commissioneris of the treattie, wherin diverse materes of the churche goverment ware to be treated; and now the treatty being by the mercy of God brought to ane desyred conclusione and the commissioneres approvine and exonered in parliament, therefore desyreing if he heath bene faithfull in whatsoever heath bene intrusted to him by the commissioneris whom he did attend, that he also may be exonered and publictlie approvine, quhilke shall be ane encouragment to him for eftirward to contribut his best endevores for the publict, and to pray that peace and all other blissingis may be multiplied upoun the king and kingdome, as the supplicatione in the selfe proportes. And his majestie and estates of parliament, finding the foirsaid desyre just and most reassonable and haveing examinat the said Maister Alexander, his whole actiones and cariage in the forsaid imployment and trust put upoun him, and compaired the same with the commissiones and instructiones, and haveing considerit the samene with the testimony of the king's majestie and of the remanent commisioneris who war in the commissione and lyke trust with the said Maister Alexander Hendersone, doe wnanimouslie find and declaire that the said Maister Alexander Hendersone heath so wyslie, faithfullie, diligentlie and cairfullie behaved himselfe in the foirsaid chairge and trust put upoun him in all the passages thairof as he justlie deserves there trewe testimony of his approvine fidelity, diligence and wyse cariage herintill; and therfor his majestie and estates of parliament doe not onlie liberat and exoner him of all questione or challenge that cane be laid to him for his cariage in the forsaid chairge and imployment, bot also, for the full demonstrasione of ther certane knowledge of his faithfull and wyse cariage, doe unanimouslie give him this trew deserved testimony and approbatione: that he heath in all fidelity, wisdome and diligence behaved himselfe in the foirsaid imploymente, chairge and trust put upon him as ane loyall subject to the king and trewe patriot to his cuntrie.

  1. NAS, PA2/22, f.126v-127r.