Ordinance in favoures of Williame Cunynghame of Poltoun

The quhilke day the supplicatione givine in to the parliament be Williame Cunynghame of Poltoun againes Alexander, erle of Galloway, togidder with the ansueres mad thairto be the erle, personallie present, being red in audience of the king and parliament, his majestie and estates of parliament appoyntes the double of the saidis ansueres to be givine to the supplicant to be ansuered be him, and in the meanetyme assignes Tuysday nixt to sommond such witness as are in toune for proveing of the complaint, and assignes the sevint of October for sommonding such witness as ware not in toune, bot prejudice to the erle of his defenss in causa and objectiones againes the witness.

  1. NAS, PA2/22, f.125r.