The English lordes commissioneres ansuer

1. That wpoun the disbanding of the Scottishe army, the garisones of Berwicke and Cairlile shall be removed according to the article of the treattie one that behalfe.

2. The second article is condiscendit wnto according to the provisione addit to the act of oblivione and pacificatione.

3. 4. 5. 6. The thirde demand, conserneing the making of warr with forreigneris with the other tuo articles conserneing leagues and confederationes and conserneing mutuall supplie and assistance againest forraine invasione, it is agreed to be referred to commissioneres to be chosine by his majestie and the parliamentes. As lykewayes the 4, 5 and 6 articles concerneing trade, commerce, naturalizatione, mutuall priviledge and capacity and otheres of that nature, and the demandis conserneing extractes of bandis and decreetes, and the maner of saife conduct for transporting of moneyes from England to Scotland are all referred to be takine in consideratione by the commissioneris to be appoynted by both parliamentes who shall have pouer to advyse and treate therwpoun, and report to the parliamentis respectivly.

7. It is just that the tennour of the commissione for conserving of peace should be agreed wpoun by mutuall consent bot the closing of the treattie not to stay heirupon bot to be lefte to the commissioneres to be named.

8. To that desyre conserneing such as should be placed about the prince, the king heath allreddie givine a cleere and satisfactorie ansuer.

9. That ther be ane act of parliament of publict faith for secureing payment of tuo hundreth and tuentie thousand pundis which is arrear of the brotherlie assistance is just and order is givine for it accordinglie, and it shall be communicat with the Scottishe commissionars that it may be a perfyte security.

10. For appoynting a quorum for attending the payment of the money is allreddy moved to the parliament and will be done as is desyred.

11. The ellevinth article is verie just and order shall be givine accordinglie for recalling all proclamationes etc. and for publict thankisgiveing.

12. This article for the castle of Edinburgh and other strenthes of Scotland is to be setled betuixt his majestie and the commissioneris of Scotland or by his majestie and parliament of Scotland.

All which articles are assented wnto and approved by his majestie, with advyce of the parliament of England, and by the committies of the parliament of Scotland, and are necessary for publict declaration of mutuall consent and for firme observatione to be confirmed and ratified in the parliamentes of both kingdomes.

  1. NAS, PA2/22, f.107r-107v.