Committee Members: committee for revising the acts and articles
Committie for reveising the actes and articles presentit in the first session of this parliamente

The quhilke day the estates nominates and appoyntes the Erles of Roxburgh, Southaske and Mar and Lord Elphingstoun for the nobilitie; the lairdis of Dundas, Cambo, Ethernie and Houstoun for the barones; Richard Maxwell for Edinburghe and the commissioneris of Glasgowe, Dumbartan and Irving for the burrowes, to reveise all articles past or presented formarlie in this parliament since the first calling therof that these of ilke estate may give accompt therof to ther owne bodie. And ordeanes the bodie to report ther thoughtis therwpoun to the parliament if ther be any thing in these actis quhilke they would have altered, addit or diminished.

  1. NAS, PA2/22, f.95r.