Protestatione be the kingis advocat anent his place in parliamente

The quhilk day Sir Thomas Hope of Craighall, his majesties advocat, gave in and produceit in plaine parliament, in presence of the kingis majestie and estates of parliament this day convenit, this protestatione falloweing, viz: I, Sir Thomas Hope of Craighall, kyncht, his majesties advocat, being removed furth of parliament the tuentie thrid of July last till the estates should advyse and give ansuer theranent, and wnderstanding that they upoun the nynt day of August instant hes ordenit me to reentir and sit without voiting as ther ordinance proportes, quhilke for my owne particular intress I doe humbly obey; but as his majesties advocat and ane of the officeris of estat be my place protestis that my obedience to the said ordinance prejudge not me and my successouris in the said place, liberties and priviledges therof, and desyris this my protestatione to be insert in the bookis of parliament. Quhilke protestatione abovementionat sua produceit be his majesties advocat was publictlie red in audience of the kingis majestie and parliament.

Ordinance for acquanting the kingis majestie in thingis debaitable

It was moved be the Erle of Argyle that incaice any thing debaitable should occure to be proponit in parliament, then tuo of ilke estate should be send to speeke therupon to his majestie privatlie befor hand. And upoun the humble sute of the parliament the kingis majestie approved the said motione and condishendit therwnto.

Ordinance anente the Laird of Langtounes incarceratioune

Quhairas the Laird of Langtoun was commandit to goe to the castle be his majestie warrand for taking upon him without knowledge or directione from his majestie to goe before the king as ischear with ane rod in his hand, yit his majestie declaired that since this was the first day of his appeiring in parliament he would deale so bountifullie with his subjectes that none should be imprisoned. And therfor his majestie commandit Langtone to keepe his chalmer whill the morne that the mater might be hard and setled anent his cleame to the office of ischearie.

  1. NAS, PA2/22, f.93r.