[Supplication of Sir Thomas Stewart, fiar of Grandtully, for licence to leave Edinburgh]

Sir Thomas Stewart, knycht, his supplicatioun past2

Unto the honorable memberis of the heighe court of parliament of this kingdome now conveined, humblie meanes and shawis your lordships servitor, Sir Thomas Stewart, fear of Grantully, knight, that quhair in obedience of ane missive lettre direct to me be the comittie of estaites in Junii last, I did repair heir to to Edinburgh quhair I have continewally sensyne attendit the said comittie the tyme of the sitting thairof, and have declared trewly to them all that I know in that bussienes quhairfor I wes called hither, as is contained in my depositioun and declaratioun given be me thairintill, and since your lordships meitting I have lykwayes still remained in towne attending your lordships farder will and pleisir with me, and seing I am actit in the buiks of the said committie not to depairt aff the towne without licence, and that be my long tarying heir my urgent and necessar bussienes which I have to doe both at home and abroad ar neglectit, quhairby I am heavielie damnefied and prejudgit. Lykas yesterday I resavit ane lettre showinge me that it hath pleased God to visite my spous with seiknes, quha hes lyen thir eight or ten dayes and as yet lyes bedfast, and thairfor it is most necessar and expedient that I wer present with her the tyme of this her disease. Heirfor I most humblie beseik your lordships to tak the premisis to your consideratioun and to grant me heirby licence and libertie to repair home for visiteing of my said spous and doeing of certane my necessar affaires. And quhen ever it shall pleis your lordships to call me hither, I shall alwayes be readie to appeir befoir your lordships upoun adverteisment. And your lordships answer humblie I attend.

Decimo Augusti 1641

Red in audience of parliament, who continewis to give answer thairto whill Maistir Adame Hepburne be acquainted and herd heirupon.

Duodecimo Augusti 1641

The estaittis of parliament, efter the report maid be Humbie, grauntis libertie to the supplicant to goe home quhill the [...] day of this instant.

Burghly, I[n] p[raesentia] d[ominorum] parl[iamenti]

  1. NAS, PA6/4, 'August 12 1641'.
  2. This clause is written on the rear of the document.