[Supplication of John Blair of that Ilk for the passing of his gift through the exchequer]

Supplication Laird of Blair2

My lordis and utheris of the estaites of parliament, unto your lordis humelie meanis and shawes I, your servitour Johnne Blair of that Ilk, and my curatours for thair enteresis, that quhair ever since the deceis of umquhile Sir Bryce Blair of that Ilk, my father, I have bene attending and reddie to have componed with his majesties thesaurer principall or deputie for the gift of my ward and mariadge vaikand in his majestis handis be my fatheris deceis, quhilk hes not yit bene gotten done be ressoune of the absence of his majesties thesaureris forth of this kingdome. And sieing Sir James Carmichaell, his majesties thesaurer depute, is now present and that it is notour to many of your lordis number that my umquhile father and guidsir contracted seiknes quhairof thei died in your imployment in the publict bussines, and that the longer delaying of the passing of the said gift may prove hurtfull and prejudiciall to me, heirfoir I humelie beseik your lordis to give command and warrand to the said Sir James Carmichaell, his majesties thesaurer depute, to conveane the lordis and utheris of the exchequhair and to pas and exped in my favours the gift of my ward, nonentres and mariadge upoun the payment of ane reasounable composition thairfoir according to justice and equitie. And your lordis answer humblie I beseik.

5 Augusti 1641

Producit be the Laird of Gatgirth.

Quinto Augusti 1641

The estaittis of parliament, inrespect of thair certaine knawledge of the veritie of the within written supplicatione, finds the desyre thairof reasonable and ordaines the gift to be past gratis, conforme to the act of parliament, and ordanes the clerk to give furth the dowble heirof under his hand gif need beis.

Burghly, I[n] p[raesentia] d[ominorum] parl[iamenti]3

  1. NAS, PA6/4, 'August 5 1641'.
  2. This clause is written on the rear of the document.
  3. Both these dated clauses are written on the rear of the document.