[Supplication of Lady Stormont regarding the meeting of the court of exchequer]

Supplicatioun be the Lady Stormonth2

Wnto the honorabill estatis of parliament the humbill supplicatioun of Anna, wicountes of Stormonthe.

Schewing quhairas it is notour to your lordships this long tyme bygone the leiges haif wanted the benefett of excheker and therby frwstrat of confirmation of thair richtis, and I am one of that number quha is lyen out of my richtis as yett, my humble desyre to your lordships is that ye may be pleased to give warrand to the tresswrar deput and the rest of the lords of the excheker to convein and meitt for confirmeing of my richtis grantit to me be Mungo, vicount of Stormonth, my husband, at such tyme as your lordships sall think meitt. And your lordships answer humblie I expect.

5 Augusti 1641

The estaittis of parliament appointis the thesaurer depute and other lords of eschekquhair to sitt for passing the signatour abovewrittin with this declaratioune: that the samyn be nawayis prejudiciall to any man who hes bein imployed in the armie or publik affairis and service of the countrie and good caus.

Burghly, I[n] p[raesentia] d[ominorum] parl[iamenti]

  1. NAS, PA6/4, 'August 5 1641'.
  2. This clause is written on the rear of the document.