[Copy of the parliament's letter to the king]

24 July

Coppie of the estaittes lettre to the king

Most gracious soverane,

The Erle of Dumfermling and Lord Lowdoun, according to your majesties commandementis to them, have signified unto us your majestie gracious resolutioun in severall particuleris for the good of this your majestie ancient and native kingdome, which we acknawledge with humble and heartie thankis to proceid from your majestie great goodnes and justice. They have lykewayes represented to us your majesties pleasure in some propositionis, one quhairof is concerning the maner of electioun of officeris of estate, counsell and sessioun which we have comanded our comissioneris to answere in the treatty in such a way as we conceive can best sute with your majesties honour and the weill of this your majestie kingdome. The rest of the particuleris (not alreadie answered in oure last lettre to your majestie) are not as yet so fullie considdered be us as that we can give your majestie ane particuler accompt thairof, bot we shall alsweill in these, as in all other thingis, study and labour to give your majestie at your royall presence heir such satisfactioun as may stand with your majesties honour, the good and safety of this your kingdome or can be requyred of the estates of this your majestie parliament, at whose comand these presentis ar subscribit by ws, who ar

Your majesties most humble and most loyall subjectis, [...], Edinburgh, 24 July 1641

  1. NAS, PA6/7, 'Appendix, July 24 1641'.