The Records of the Parliaments of Scotland to 1707, K.M. Brown et al eds (St Andrews, 2007-2024), date accessed: 15 September 2024
[Draft articles for ordering the house of parliament]
Articles for ordouring the hous of parliament
16 Julii 1641
1. Agries
It is representit to the estates of parliament that none be admittit to remane in the parliament hous with the estates bot onlie the memberis of parliament.
2. Agries
It is also represented that none who ar admittit to remane within the hous of parliament sall have ony weapons except the memberis of parliament; and these onlie to have thair swordis gif they pleas. Reserveand to the constable and mershell and thair servandis thair ordinarie armes quhilk they ar onlie permittit to have at the ryding dayis of the parliament: that is the first and last dayis thairof.
3. Agries
It is also thocht necessar that the clerk of the assemblie and agent for the kirk salbe permittit to remane in and sit at the table with the clerkis of parliament and thair servandis for attending what concernis the kirk.
And it is declairit that only thrie depute clerkis of parliament ar the only nomber of clerks heirby allowed, with one servand to ilk one of thame.
4. Agries
It is lykwayis thocht expedient for the better ordouring of the hous of parliament and that the memberis thairof may the better heir, that these seatis appointit for the noblemen, quhilkis ar upon ather syid of the throne, be advancit fra the gavell and syid wallis of the hous of parliament according to the paterne set doune. And that the comissionaris for shyiris sall sit on furmes beneath the erles upon the eist syid of the throne, and the comissionaris for burrowis upon the wast syid thairof beneath the lordis. And that ilk furme be of that lenth as may serve tuelff persones. Item, that the table for the clerkis be set directlie at the lower end of the furmes appointit for the commissionaris of shyiris and burrowis. Item, that thair be lykwayis ane voyid rowme and raill without the bar directlie foiranent the throne of the height of tua or thrie foot fra the floore, for these to stand in wha ar citat to the parliament.
5. Agries
Item, it is thocht expedient that thair be tua sessione ilk day: ane fra nyne houris to tuelff houris, ane ether fra thrie houris to sex houris (except onlie on the Mononday, upon the which ther shall be no sessioune bot the same shall be altogider fre). And on the Settirday, ane sessione fra nyne houris to tuelff houris in the foirnoone and no meitting in the efternoone. And that for the better keeping thir dyetis, the sermone be appointit to end ilk day before nyne. And that the memberis of parliament may the better attend and keep thir dyetis, it is desyrit that ane great bell may be ordanit to ring ane competent space at the severall houris of meitting; as also that ane litle bell be presentlie hung in the parliament hous to ring at the houris and dyetis of dissolving. And representis to the estates these wha sall not keep thir dyetis of meitting.
The roll to be callit everie tyme when the president sittis downe, and these who enteris efter the calling of the roll to pay the penalties following, viz: eightene s. for the nobleman, 12 s. for the baron, and 6 s. for the burges toties quoties.
Heir to insert the unlawis of the absentis.
6. Agries
Item, for eschewing of contest and debait and that all may heir what is spokine, it wald be ordanit that nane speik without licence askit and grantit be the president. And wha beis permittit to speik, that he be hard to ane end without interruption. And that he wha sall reply direct his speeche to the president and not to the former speiker for eschewing of heitt. As also that nane interrupt the tyme of voyceing.
Item, it is thocht expedient that the noblemen and commissioneris of shyiris and burrowis sall tak thair places as they ar or shall be callit by the rollis, quhilk places to remane voyid in thair absence. To advyse whill the morne.
9. Agries
Item, it is representit to the estates that the haill committeis of estate, alsuell these lordis of the session wha war upon the committie as the uthair barrones and burgeses of that number, with the clerk of the committie and his collegue and the procuratoris for the estate nominat be the said committee, salbe permittit to cum in, sit and heir.
10. Agries
Item, it is thocht expedient that all these wha are permittit to reremane in the parliament hous and ar not memberis of parliament sall keep thair places appointit and be uncoverit and silent unles they be dessirit to speik.
11. Agries
Item, that ane minister be appointit to attend everie day for the prayer at morning and evening.
12. Agries
Item, that ordour be also gevin to the constable and mershell of the hous and thair deputis to see these thingis put in executioune so far as conserves thair office.
13. Agries
Item, it is desyred that ordour be gevin for hinging of the parliament hous presentlie, and appointis the lyoun king at armis to goe to the keiper of the wardrope and caus bring hangings and the cloth of state.
14. Agries
And that everie Sabboth day ane minister be appointed to preach to the memberis of parliament in the parliament hous.
Item, it is agried be the haill estaittis that when ane overture is proponed, everie estate haif 24 houris to advyse the same befoir he be urged to answer thairto.
The twa last, viz: the 12 and 13 articles added since the formar, war red and agriet unto.
19 Julii 1641
Agreied prout intra in scriptis.3
- NAS, PA6/3, 'July 16 1641', f.1r-1v.
- This clause is deleted.
- This clause is written on the rear of the document.