Ordinance in favoures of Johne McCulloch of Mertoun

The quhilke day the supplicatione givine in to the parliament be Johne McCulloche of Mertoune, desyreing that the commisser of Wigtoun may be dischairged to proceed in ony actione againes him dureing the siting of the parliament in respect he is ane commissioner therto, being red in audience of the parliament and the desyre therof considerit be the estates of parliament, they find the desyre therof reasonable and therefor dischairges the said commisser of all proceeding in any proces againes the supplicant dureing the siting of the parliament, and incaice any thing be done since the meiting of the parliament the estates declaires the samene to be null in the selfe.

  1. NAS, PA2/22, f.91r.