Warrant: for the liberation of Captain Forbes
Warrand for putting Capitane Forbes to libertie

The quhilke day, report being maide to the estates of parliament be the Lord Elphingstoune, as preeses of the committie for the billis, anent the supplicatioun givine in be Captane Forbes desyreing to be set at libertie out of the tolbuith of Edinburghe wher he remaines incarcerat, the saidis esteates ordeanes the said Captane Forbes to be set at libertie whensoever Sir Williame Forbes of Craigivar shall desyre, and that in respect the said Sir Williame actit and obleist himselfe in the bookis of parliament to put the said Captane Forbes out of the cuntrie and not to take him out of the tolbooth till the shipe be reddie for his transportatione.

  1. NAS, PA2/22, f.85r.