Warrant: for the summons of the Earl of Montrose and others
Act and warrand to the advocat, Sir Thomas Nicolsone and to the procuratouris for the estate for raising sommondis againes Montroise, Naper, Keir, Blakhall

The estates of parliament, haveing considerit the articles produceit and givine in againes the Erle of Montroise, have fund and findis the samene to be a sufficient ground of citatione of the same erle and of any other person befor the parliamente whom the samene articles may concerne, and to whois chairge the saidis articles or any of them might be laid, and in particular of the Lord Naper, the Laird of Keir, the Laird of Blakehall, Lovetennent Collonell Walter Stewart, and therefter ordeanes sommondis to be reasit therwpon and the saidis persones to be cited; and for doeing herof they find and declair it to be incombent to Sir Thomas Hope of Craighall, knycht, his majesties advocat, to concurre, plead and insist to the finall divisione of these persutes as concerneing the publict, and therfor the saidis estates of parliament commandis him to doe the same in these persuitis and in all other persutes to be intentit befor the parliament or committies from parliament which may concerne the publick. Lykeas they find it fit to requyre and command and heirby the saidis estates enjoynes, requyres and commandis Sir Thomas Nicolsone of Carnocke, knycht, to concurre with the said Sir Thomas Hope, Maisteris Rodger Mowat, Alexander Persone, James Baird and Thomas Nicolsone, procuratouris formerlie appoynted be the committie for the estat, to drawe wpe the saidis sommondis and to insist in consulting and pleading in the saidis process and haill proceidingis therof to the finall end of the samene and in any other process of the nature abovewrittine to be intentit and falloued befor the parliament or committie from parliament. And lykewayes commandis the saidis Maisteris Alexander Peirsone, Maister Rodger Mowat, James Baird and Thomas Nicolsone, with concourse and assistance foirsaid, to drawe wpe the saidis sommondis and to insist in the saidis procese and haill proceidingis therof to the finall end of the samene. And also ordeanes the said sommondis and all other sommondis to be raisit befor the parliament or committies from the parliament to be raisit at the instance of the said Sir Thomas Hope as his majesties advocat and at the instance of the said Sir Thomas Nicolsone, Maisteris Rodger Mowat, Alexander Peirsone, James Baird and Thomas Nicolsone as procuratoris for the estat, and ordeanes the sommondis to be signeted be the keeper of the signet, and als ordeanes that ane precept of the same tennour with the sommondis be derected in name of the preses of the parliament and be subscryvit be the preses; for doeing wherof, these shall be ane warrand.

  1. NAS, PA2/22, f.75v-76r.