[Opening of session; president of parliament elected]

Apud Edinburgh, decimo nono Novembris 1640, to the quhilk day and place the parliament was continewit be the last act of the last sessioun of parliament in Julii 1640.

The estaitts of parliament being now convened and set doun in plane parliament.

Maistir William Scott, ane of the clerkis of parliament, did publictlie intimatt be ane maisser in face of parliament that gif thair was any to represent any thing to the estaittis of parliament now conveined frome his majestie and in his name and haveand his majestie speciall warrand, that they sould presentlie compeir befoir this heiche cowrt of parliament now conveined.

Thairefter (nane compeirand) the haill body of the estaittis of parliament now conveened as said is electit Robert, lord Burghlie to be president of this thair meitting in parliament.

[Continuation of parliament; act read and approved; instruments taken]

Quhairupoun the Lord Burghlie, being chosin president and accepted the same, he did propone publictlie to the haill estaittis now conveined the expediencie of the continewatioun of this present parliament and to quhat day.

Quhilk being putt to voyteing, it was voited and agreit be uniforme consent of the haill estaitte now conveined that this present parliament sould be continewit to the fourtene day of Januar nixtocum and in the meanetyme declairit current to that day; and ordaned that ane act be presentlie drawin up be the clerke for this effect as followis:

The estaittis of parliament, presentlie convened be his majesteis speciall authoritie, yit as of befoir continewis this present parliament and all summondis and actiounes intentit or depending, with all uther materis belanging to the said parliament, to the fourtene day of Januar nixtocum, with continewatioun of dayis. At the quhilk day, or sooner as the committie of estaitte and quorumes thairof, baith in the cuntrie and at the armie, sall appoynt, ordanis the haill estaittis to be present and to attend at Edinburgh or quhair it salhappin the samyn to be appoyntit to be haldin for the tyme, and in the meane tyme declairis the said parliament to be currentt to the day forsaid. And ordanes the haill acte and statutte maid and concludit in playne parliament in the last sessioun thairof in Junii last bypast to stand and have the force and strenth of lawis and actis conforme to the tennouris thairof, siclyke as any actis and statuttes of any preceiding parliamentis in ony tyme bygane, and namelie (but prejudice of the generalitie forsaid) the act of committie of the estaittis to stand in full force ay and quhill it be dischairgit be the estaittis, and ordanis the foirsaidis actis, with the act of electioun of the said Robert, lord Burghlie to be preses at this meitting of estaitte, togidder with this present act of continewatioun, to be published and prented, conforme to the last act of continewatioun beirand dait the ellevint of Junii last, nochtwithstanding of this present continewatioun of the parliament to the day abonewrittin.

Quhilk act abovewrittin was publictlie red in plaine parliament, voited and aggreed unto be the haill esteates conveined as said is. Quhairupoune and premisis foirsaidis the said Robert, lord Burghlie, in name of the haill esteates, askit instrumentis.

Burghly, praeses, in presentia dominorum parliamenti

  1. NAS, PA6/3, 'November 19 1640', f.1r.