Act 48
Reference to the committie of estates in favoures of Maister Williame Cunynghame

The petitione and cleame givine in to the committie reseiding at Edinburghe, consisting of noblemen and of the commissionaris of shyres and burrowes, be Maister William Cunynghame of Brounehill againes George Buchanane, feare of that ilke, desyreing the committie to provyd such remeid and take sicke course with the said Laird of Buchanane for the wrongis and violences done to the supplicant as they should thinke expedient, as the supplicatione proportis. Quhilke supplicatione being thereftir givine to the saidis commissioneris, 28 Apryle 1640 yeires, it was then thought fit be that committie that the Laird of Buchaneane should compeir befor them the morne thereftir, lykeas the mater and pairties, being wpoun the 14 day of Maii last by past both personallie present befor the committie and desyred to submit, they could not gree upoun the termes of the submissione, quherwpon the committie then assignit to the supplicant the second of June to prove his lybell and to be determined by the parliament, to whom the committie referred the same. And the samene being now this day presented and givine in to the estates of parliament, now conveened be his majesties speciall authority, and being tane be them to there consideratione, the saidis estates of parliament remittis the foirsaid mater to the committie of estates appoynted to reseid at Edinburghe by commissione and act of this present sessione of parliament, to be considerit, tryit, desydit and determined be them accordinge as they, eftir consideratione and tryell of the mater, shall find agrieable to equitie and justice. For doeing wherof, the saidis estates gives power and commission to the said committie and to take all such tryell and use all such meanes for cleiring of the bussines and there informatione theranent as they shall thinke fitt and expedient, and as may best serve for decyding the mater and giveing furth decreet and sentance thereintill.

Act 49
Reference to the committie of estates in favoures of Robert Scote of Dryhope against the Earle of Traquair

Anent the supplicatione givine in to the estates of parliament, now conveened by his majesties speciall authoritie, be Robert Scot of Dryhope aganes Johne, erle of Traquair, makeand mentioune of the wrongis and prejudices done be the earle to the supplicant mentionat and set doune in the said suplicatione, and therefor desyring the estates to take the samene to ther consideratione and take sicke order theranent as they shall thinke expedient, that the supplicant may be repossest to his landis conteanit in the said supplicatione and to the wptaking of the dueties therof, as the said supplicatione in the selfe proportis. Quhilke supplicatione being hard in audience of the saidis estates and the desyre therof considerit be them, the saidis estates of parliament remittis and recommendis the supplicatione abovmentionat and desyre therof to the committie of estatis appoynted to receid at Edinburghe by ane commissioune and act of this present parliament, to be considerit be the said committie, with pouer to them to doe therintill as after consideratoun and tryell takine anent the premiss they shall find expedient, lauchfullie and equitable.

  1. NAS, PA2/22, f.51r-51v.
  2. NAS, PA2/22, f.51v.