Procedure: remit to the committee of estates
Act 47
Reference in favoures of Sir Johne Hammiltoun

The estates of parliament conveened as said is, haveing takine to there consideratione the desyre of the supplicatione of Sir Johne Hammiltoune of Ridhous, craving warrand to the committie of estates appoynted to reseid at Edinburgh to take the oathe of veritie of Sir James McGill of Cranstounriddell upoun the cleame to be givine in againes him be the said Sir Johne, having no other probatione and may be defraudit therof be death, the saidis estates remittis the foirsaid cleame of the said Sir Johne Hammiltoune againes the said Sir James McGill for the soumes therinconteined and the taking of the said Sir James, his aith therwpon, to the foirsaid committie of estates appoynted to reseid at Edinburghe, and grants full power and warrand to the said committie to the effect abovewrittin, and to determine and give decreet in the said mater according as they, after receiveing and advyseing of the said aith, shall find just and equitable, conforme to the cleame to be givine in as said is and aith to be taine thairwpoun.

  1. NAS, PA2/22, f.50v-51r.