Act 26
Ratificatione of Generall Leslees proceedingis anno 1639

The quhilke day the estates of parliament, conveined by his majesties speciall authoritie, remembring the thankefull and painefull service done be Generall Sir Alexander Lesly in the dischairge of his dutie and chairg as generall of the Scottis forces, horses and foot, in anno 1639, be virtue of a commissioune granted to him be the estates of this kingdome conveened in Maii 1639, therfor they ratifie and approve all his proceedingis and actes done bee him and all these wnder his command in dischairge of ther said duetie in the said chairge, acknowledging that his singular caire, vigilancie, paines and good governement meriteth ane greater reward then this, which is only in there power to confere, that in testimonie of there thankefullnes the same may be recordit in there publict register to remaine there as ane evident of there obligatioun to posteritie.

Act 27
Ratificatioun in favoures of Generall Leslie of his commissioun to be generall anno 1640

The quhilke day the estates of parliament, presentlie conveened by his majesties speciall authoritie, considering that forsamekle as the estates of this kingdome conveend at Edinburghe, the sevinteinth of Apryle last by past, for weightie and important reassones, nominat and elected Generall Sir Alexander Leslie of Ballgonie, knycht, to be generall of all the Scottis forces serveing for the commoun cause, asweell horss as foot, quhilke electioune and commissioun granted to him of the dait foirsaid they acknowledge to be done for the weell of this kingdome and for his eminent woorth deservedly conferred upoun him; therfor they, all in one voyce, ratifies and approves the said electioune and commissione in the haill heides, tennour and contentes therof, with this additioun: that the said commissioune shall be extendit to make him generall alsweell by sea as land, with pouer to him to doe everie thing fitting, conforme to the tennour of the said commission therin, declairing allwayes, lykas it is heirby declaired, that the articles of militarie discipline mentionat in the said commissioun are wnderstood to be such as shall be condishendit upoun be the haill estates or be the committe from the estates, with consent of the said generall, and that the said generall shall not ingadge in warr or make capitulatione of peace without consent of the said committie of esteat, at the least of both the quorumes therof. And the estates, knoweing the woorth and abilities of Maister Robert Meldrum, ordeanes and appoyntes the said Maister Robert to attend the said lord generall to be his secreetarie.

  1. NAS, PA2/22, f.40r.
  2. NAS, PA2/22, f.40r-40v.