The Records of the Parliaments of Scotland to 1707, K.M. Brown et al eds (St Andrews, 2007-2024), date accessed: 19 September 2024
Act 15
Act dischairgeing the goeing of salt panes and mylnes upon the Sabboth day
Forsameikle as the estatis of parliament, presentlie conveened by his majesties speciall authoritie, considering that Godis publict worshipe wpon the Sabboth day is hindred and the Sabboth day prophaned by the goeing of mylnes and saltpanes upon the Sonday, for remeed heirof the estatis of parliament, presentlie conveened by his majesties speciall authoritie, dischairges and prohibites all salt panes and mylnes within this kingdome from all goeing, grinding, makeing of salt or any wayes working upon the Sonday in any tyme heirefter, and ordeanes the salteris, milleris and other servantis in the saidis mylnes and salt panes to attend Godis publicke worshipe heirefter everie Sabboth day, wnder the paines and censuris contenit in the actis of the assembly or wther kirke actis set doune heiranent, to the which actis the saidis estatis of parliament interpones the civill sanctione and authority of parliament for the bettir executione thairof.
Act 16
Act appoynting all grievances to be given in in plaine parliamente
The estates of parliament, presentlie conveind by his majesties speciall authoritie, considering that the act of parliament mad in anno 1594 in the 14 parliament of King James the 6, cap. 218, wherby all materis and griveances to be givine in to the parliament are appoynted to be givine in to his majesties clerke of register and by him presented to the estates, heath bred great hurt and prejudices to the libertie of this kirke and kingdome and subjectis thairof in tyme bygone, as is evident by experience of the evillis that heath flowed thairfrom, thairfoir the saidis estaitis, for remeed heirof, retreatis, reshindis, casses and annullis the forsaid act of parliament and declaires the same to be null and of none availl, force nor effect in all tymecomeing, and ordeanes and appoyntis all grivances and other materis that are to be handled and treated of heireftir in parliament to be givine in and presented in open and plaine parliament in all tymecomeing.
Act 17
Annulling all unlaufull and unjust proclamationes mad under the paine of treason against the disobeyeris
Forsomuche as the estatis of parliament, presentlie conveind by his majesties speciall authoritie, haveing takine to thair consideratione that there heath beene diverse unjust and wnlaufull proclamationes mad commanding the obedience of thingis wnjust and wnlaufall (tending to the overthrow and prejudice of the lawes and liberties of kirke and kingdom) wnder the paine of treasone, as also declaireing the disobeyeris of these wnlaufull and wnjust proclamationes to be rebellis and tratoris, which is against law, equitie and reasone, no tryell nor declaratour of treasone haveing proceided against them of befor, findis and declaires all these proclamationes, with the pretendit actis and warrandis for making and procleameing thairof, to be null and of none availl, force nor effect with all that heath fallowed or may fallow tharupon. And thairfor the saidis estatis of parliament casses and annullis the foirsaids pretendit proclamationes, with all the saidis actis and warrandis wherwpoun the same proceided, and findis and declaires that no persone nor persones can be declaired tratouris but ather by the parliament it selfe and by act and sentance thairof or than by the laufull ordinar judge eftir tryell and finding that the saidis persones heath coutraveend a law and acte of parliament mad wnder the paine of treasone against the disobeyeris and contraveeneris thairof.
Act 18
Act anent the ratification of the covenant and of the assemblies supplication, act of counsell and act of assemblie conserning the covenant
The estates of parliament, presentlie conveind by his majesties speciall authoritie, considering the supplicatione of the generall assembly at Edinburghe, the 12 of August 1639, to his majesties heighe commissioner and the lordis of his majesties honorable privie counsell, and the act of the counsell, the threttie of August 1639, conteineing the ansuer of the said supplicatione, and the act of the said generall assemblie ordeaneing by thair ecclesiasticall constitutione the subscriptione of the Confessione of Faith and covenant mentionat in thair supplicatione, and withall haveing supplicated his majestie to ratifie and enjoyne the samene by his royall authoritie wnder all civill paines as tending to the glorie of God, preservatione of religion, the kingis majesties honnour and the perfyte peace of this kirke and kingdome, doe ratifie and approve the said supplicatione, act of counsell and act of assembly, and conforme thairto ordeanes and commandis the said confessione and covenant to be subscryveit by all his majesties subjectis of what ranke and quality soevir wnder all civill paines; and ordeanes the said supplicatione, act of counsell and act of assembly, with the whole confessione and covenant it selfe, to be insert and registrat in the actis and bookis of parliament, and also ordeanes the samene to be presented at the entrie of everie parliament and befor they proceed to ony wther act that the same be publicklie red and suorne by the whole memberis of parliament clameing voyce thairin, otherwayes the refuisseris to subscrybe and sueir the same shall have no place nor voyce in parliament. And suchlyke ordeanes all judges, magistratis and other officeris of whatsoevir place, ranks or quality and ministeris at thair entrie to sweir and subscrybe the samene covenant, whairof and of the said supplicatione, act of counsell and act of assemblie the tennour falloueth etc.
- NAS, PA2/22, f.23r.
- NAS, PA2/22, f.23r-23v.
- NAS, PA2/22, f.23v.
- NAS, PA2/22, f.24r.