The Records of the Parliaments of Scotland to 1707, K.M. Brown et al eds (St Andrews, 2007-2024), date accessed: 15 September 2024
[Supplication of the noblemen and commissioners for the shires in the north against the Marquis of Huntly]
Supplicatioune aganis the Marqueis of Huntlie in the articles 16392
To the commissioners g[race] and most honnorable estats of this present parliament, the humble petition of the noblemen and commissioners for shires after specifiet.
Unto your grace and to your lordis and remanent members of this present high court of parliament, we, the undersubscribers, your most humble petitioners, doe humbelie show the pitifull caise and more than lamentable condition of the north parts of this kingdome, viz: the shirefdomes of Perth, Angus, Mernes, Aberdene, Bamf, Elgine, Narne and Invernes whiche lye under the heavie oppressione of brokin hielanders, the McGregours and others of that qualitie who now ar come to that hight of insolence that except they be repressed in time, all trading and travelling, yea and all labouring of the ground, is like to surceasse.
May it thairfoir please your grace and most honnorable estats to take some present and speedie course in suche ane exigent for remedying of thir great evills, the particular greevances and overtures for redreisse thairof we sall be readie to represent to your grace and honnors when we sall receave the necessarie favour of present audience.
To whiche and ever we rest your grace and honnors humble petitioners.
- Erroll
- Mar
- Kingorne
- Seaforth
- Perthe
- Dunfermeline
- A. Forbes
- J. Leod of Dunvegane
- J. Grant of Moynes, commissioner for the shire of Nairne
- J. Streichine, commissioner for the schirefdome off Inverness
- James Crighton off Frendrath, comissioner for the scherefdom off Bamff
- J. Forbes Leslie, commissioner for the sereffdome of Aberdeen
- J. Erskine off Dun, commisioner for the shirrefdome of Angus
- J. Ramsay, commissioner for the Merns
- S. J. M. Kenzie, commissioner for Invernes
- Coline Campbell, shirreff off Nairne
- D. Forbes, commissioner for the town of Invernes
- James Campbell for the burgh off Innernes
- Maistir Douglass, commissioner for the burgh of Elgin
- Thomas McCulloch, comissioner for the burgh of Tayne
We most humblie beseech your grace and remanent members of this high court of parliament that, sieing the bussines abovewrittin, whilk neirlie concernes the peace of the countrye, is offered to be proven that the same sall reflect againes the Marquis of Huntlye under the paine of death that, therfor, your grace will be pleased to ordaine the said marquis presentlie to find cautioune that he sall not remove from the brugh of Edinburgh untill this bussines be fullie hard and put to a poynt.
9 Septembris 1639
The lord commissioneris grace and lords of the articles refuises to att[end]3 to that pairt of the within writtin supplicatioune which is subjoyned to the [supplicatioune] or to give answer thairto, in respect it is not subscryved. And for the pa[irt] which is subscryved, in respect the same is generall, ordaines the supplicantis to condiscend and be speciall upon the factis complained upon, and upon the persones committers and sufferers of the wrongis thairinspecifit. And thairefter will give answer to the supplicatioune.4
- NAS, PA6/3, 'August 31-October 22 1639'.
- Title written on the rear of the supplication.
- Due to the fact that the corner of the page is missing, a number of words in this clause are partly missing or lost.
- Written on the rear of the supplication.