[Ratification approved; business regarding the disorders in the north debated]

Ratificatione to Hew Somervell of Drum.

The noblemen and gentlemen appointed to give in overturis for setling the peace of the countrie and takin ordour with brokin men, the Laird of Craigievar, for the gentlemen, producit ane roll of brokin men, quhilk was gevin to the Erle of Perth to advyse with the noblemen. And it was urgit by the gentilmen that the former actis of parliament might be putt to executioune and that the chieftanes of clannis and landislords might be obleist to bring in all brokin men and give bandis; and that the countrie might be stented or taxed for intertanement of men to be maintened for taking these broken men, quhilk the lord commissioneris general opposit for the ressounes condiscendit upon by him, and offered in his majesties name and upon his majesties expenses, without any burthen to the countrie, to tak course for bringing in all lawles rebellis and broken men who shall be thought necessar and not be bound upon other men. The articles appointis the lawis formerlie maid to be revived and that the noblemen and gentlemen divyde the roll of broken men producit, that such of the saidis men as may be bound upon any nobleman or gentleman, or such as may be broght in to find cautioune, may be travellit with for becoming obedient to the lawis in tyme coming, or exhibite befoir the counsale. And for the remanent of the saidis persones, that the noblemen and gentlemen be callit in presence of the commissioneris general and articles and declair upon thair honnour as they shall answer to God and the king that they shall hartilie joyne and trewlie contribute their best indeavoirs for executione of the lawis against these maisterles brokin men within thair awin bounds. The noblemen and gentlemen ar appointed to attend his grace the morne at sevin hours in the parliament hous.

  1. NAS, PA6/3, 'August 31-October 22 1639', f.17(b) r.