The Records of the Parliaments of Scotland to 1707, K.M. Brown et al eds (St Andrews, 2007-2024), date accessed: 15 September 2024
[Ratifications approved; committee for the disorders in the north ordered to meet; act against privy writings from the king to the lords of session to be revived]
2Ratificatione to Margaret Stewart of hir act of rehabilitatione.
Ratificatione to William Maxwell of Kirkhous.
Ratificatione to Thomas Forbes of Wattertoune.
Cragievar promeist to advertish the noblemen and baronis who ar appointed for the committe of the north, that they may meitt the morne be sex hours and be readie to report the morne to the articles.
Act discharging privie wrytingis from his majestie to the lords of sessioune red in articles, who appointis the 92 act maid in anno 1579 to be ratified and revived, and recommendis to the commissioneris grace to represent to his majestie the prejudice redounding to the countrie by these privie wrytingis, that his majestie may be supplicate thairanent.
[Acts for the court of session read and refused; act regarding the diets of the session to be drawn up]
Act ordaining that in all actiounes esceiding 1,000 lib. thair shall be twelfe lords of sessioune present at the voyting and the twa pairt agrie in one mynd, red and refuised.
Act anent the change of sessione red and refuised as it is conceaved, bot ordaines ane act to be drawin up ordaining the sessioune to sitt downe in all tymes coming upon the first day of November and to sitt from thence to the last day of Februar inclusive, and then to ryse upon the first day of March and to be vacance whill the first day of June, and then the sessioune to sitt from the first day of Junii to the fyftene day of August inclusive and to be vacance frome the sextene day of August to the last of October inclusive.
[Acts read and refused; act approved; ratification ordered to be extended; supplication remitted to the exchequer]
Act declairing all men bankruptis wha ar at the horne unrelaxit, or quhais haill lands or most pairt thairof is comprysit etc., red and refuisit.
Act appointing fyve lib. to everie ane of the commissioners of shyre daylie from the first day of the parliament to the last day red, voited and past in articles.
Ratificatioune to the noblemen and baronis of all actis of parliament maid in thair favours of thair priviledgis and liberties, being red in articles, the commissioneris general requyred the presenters of the act to condiscend upon the speciall actis quhilks ar desyred to be revived.
Act anent poynding and comprysing red and refuised.
Supplicatione by Lochtour, craving that Maistir Patrik Browne may be ordaned to gif him out the gift of his escheit quhilk is componed, red in articles, who finds the same nawayis competent nor proper to be proponed or agitate in parliament, bot remittis the same to the eschekquher. And yit nevertheles, the lordis commissioneris grace did frielie declair that his grace is content that Lochtour haif out the gift mentioned in the supplicatioune, he declairing that the same shall nawayis be extendit or prejudiciall to any right competent to his grace.
- NAS, PA6/3, 'August 31-October 22 1639', f.16(b) r -16(b) v.
- In the left hand margin of the register there is a note apparently relating to this ratification. It would appear that the note has been deleted by two vertical lines. However, due to the binding, it is difficult to accurately determine the content.