[Overtures against the report of the subcommittee for the book of rates considered; supplications regarding the privileges of merchants and craftsmen debated]

In the report producit by the committe for the blew book, the commissione for ordoring the judicatorie of the commissioneris and cleiring the limittis thairof is graunted to the chancellar, thesaurer, privieseill, advocat, Lauderdaill, Southesk, Balmerinoch, Lord of Durie, Inverpeffer, Balcomie, Laird of Cunynghameheid, Caprintone, Brownehill, Jhone Smith, Patrik Bell and Jhone Sempill, or ony fyve of thame, thair being ane of the saidis officiaris, ane of the noblemen, ane of the sessioners, ane of the baronis, and ane of the burrowis, the chancellar or thesaurer or privieseill being conveiner and sine quo non, to meitt the first day of November with power to appoint dyettis. Item, the thesaurer depute produced ressones in writt against some articles contained in the said report for the signett, quhilks, being red by the articles, they considered and answered the same as is written upon the report. Item, the director of the chancellarie presented ane supplicatione against the prejudices sustained be him through the change of the pryces dew to him contained in the report, quhilk, being red and the ressones thairof considered by the lords of articles, they refuised the desyre thairof and allowis the articles contained in the report producit.

The twa supplicationes presented by the merchantis, the ane craving the explanatioune of some particulars formerlie prohibited to be imported by the merchantis, and that the merchantis may haif libertie to vent the saidis craftismenis work, being maid in the countrie; the other craving that no craftismen may exerce the trade of merchandise. Quhilks supplicationes being red and the ressones produced by the merchantis, with the answer maid thairto by the craftis, and the pairties hard viva voce, it is agried that under the restraint of the goldsmith work, silver or gold pasmentis, buttonis or ribbanes shall not be dischargit and dischargis the importatione of all blaksmith work quhilk has bein heirtofoir maid in this countrie, and as shall be maid appeir from tyme to tyme by the craftis to the counsale. Item, that the discharge of importatione extends only to lether beltis and not to imbroderit beltis or hatbandis. Item, it is agreid that by this restraint the merchantis are only prohibite the importatioune of forraine commodities for breking buik and venting in this kingdome, bot not for transportatioune thairof to forraine kingdomes. Item, it is agried that importatioune of chyris and stoollis shall be dischargit. Item, the importatioune of lather beltis and suchlyke is dischargit ay and whill the merchantis mak it appeir to the counsale that the craftismen ar not able to serve the countrie. Item, that the merchantis may import the blaidis and hiltis of swords unmounted, quhilk shall be mounted by the craftismen at home. The remanent continewed whill the morne.

  1. NAS, PA6/3, 'August 31-October 22 1639', f.16(a) r-16(a) v.