[Supplications remitted to the privy council; supplications and ratification to be taken into further consideration; act partly approved]

Supplicatioune be Sir James Sinclair for bigging ane wairdhous in Caithnes, remitted to the counsale.

Supplicatione be the Erle of Carrik, Lord Gray, Sir James Sinclair and others, craving ordour to be takin with Gordoune of Ardlogie, appointis Sir James Sinclair to speik with the Marquis of Huntlie thairanent.

Supplicatione and grievances presented by Sir Patrik McKie for the stewartrie of Kirkcudbright, remitted to the counsale.

Ratificatione of the priviledgis graunted to the colledge of justice, gevin to Jhone Smith to be advysed whill efternoone.

Act discharging proxies and that no patent of nobilitie be graunted to any bot such as hes ten thowsand merkis of land rent. The first part of the act anent the discharge of proxies red, voited and past in articles, and the second pairt of the act craving that no patent of nobilitie may be graunted to any quha ar not natives, bot such as have 10,000 merks of land rent, the same is remitted and recommendit to the commissioneris grace to be represented and remonstrated to his majestie.

Supplicatione be Edward Spencer, corier, continewed till efternoone.

[Act to be taken into further consideration; commission for trying the privileges of the justiciary approved; protests against; act continued]

Act geving libertie to the subjectis who will undertake to erect the powder work red in articles, who appointed the same to be shewin to the Erle of Linlithgow; and accordinglie the same was delyvered to the justice clerk to be gevin to the Erle of Linlithgow.

Commissione for trying the priviledges of the justiciarie etc. red, voited and past in articles. The Erle of Argyle protested that the granting of the said commissioune, or any power thairby conferred upon the commissioners, be not extendit to his office of justiciarie nor any wayis prejudiciall thairto2 or ony priviledges contained in his gift graunted thairupon to him be his majestie, and thairupon askit instrumentis. And siclyke the Lord Lindsay repeitted the said protestatione for his justiciarie, and thairupon askit instrumentis, quhilks protestatiounes admittis. Memorandum, that everie estate promeist to advyse upon the persones quha ar to be commissioners.

Act suppressing the distinctione and difference of spirituall and temporall lords of sessioune continewed.

  1. NAS, PA6/3, 'August 31-October 22 1639', f.15(a) r.
  2. 'bot that his saids offices be altogidder excepted from coming within the powers of the said commissioners, and siclyke [...]', deleted.