The Records of the Parliaments of Scotland to 1707, K.M. Brown et al eds (St Andrews, 2007-2024), date accessed: 15 September 2024
[Supplications remitted to certain members; supplication remitted to the lord commissioner]
The supplicatione presented by Sir William Stewart, craving restitutioune of his guidis and that the estates wald trye and declair that the taking of the castle of Dumbartane was against his will and without his knowledge, bot he altogidder innocent of any undewtifull proceiding, red in articles, who appointis the lord privie seill, Marquis of Huntlie and Lauderdaill to heir the supplicantis desyres and report the same agane to the articles.
The supplicatione presented by the Lord Burley and heritors of land besyde the park of Falkland, craving that the pailling of the park of Falkland may be repaired, being red in articles and the Erle of Annandaill hard thairupon, the Erle of Rothes is appointed to meitt with the Erle of Annandaill and Lord Burley and speik anent the way for redres of the greivances and prejudices contained in the complaint.
Supplicatione presented by the administratours of Heriotis Hospitall, craving that the securities past betuixt the Erle of Roxburgh and thame may be delyvered to thame and ratified in parliament, being red in articles, who appointis the supplicantis to speik with the commissioneris grace anent the writtis thairinspecifiit.
[Subcommittee for the act of pacification appointed; act regarding leasing-makers revived]
Act of pacificatione being red in articles, who appointis the lord privieseill, Marquis of Huntlie, Erle of Lauderdaill, Erle of Southesk, the kingis advocat and justice clerk and thesaurer2, with some others, to speik with the commissioneris grace and consider upon the said act.
3Act anent leisingmakers betuix the king and his subjectis, and ordaning the counsale and sessioune to be censurable to the parliament, red in articles, who appointis the actis of parliament against lesingmakers to be revived, with this additione: that no dignitie of qualitie or office quhatsomever shall exempt thame from the said act.
- NAS, PA6/3, 'August 31-October 22 1639', f.13(b) v.
- Sic. Likely to refer to the treasurer depute since John Stewart, earl of Traquair was both treasurer and high commissioner.
- Written in margin 'Delyvered to Keir'.