[Infeftments of small vassals; act amended and approved; acts to be taken into further considerations; acts refused]

Anent the supplicatioune presented by the Lord Scottistarvett, directour of the chancellarie, craving that warrand may be gevin to the clerk for presenting the two different frames of actis to the parliament, the one leiving it arbitrarie to the liegis ather to goe by the thesaurers register, or otherwayis by the quarter seale, at the liegis optioune; or otherwayis that frame presented by the said directour of the chancellarie, ordaining the directour of chancellarie, upon the signatour past the exchekquhair and registering in the thesaurars register, for such portiounes of lands quhairof the yeirlie rent exceidis not 200 merks, to wryte ane precept upon parchment under the quarter seale for taking seasing, for the quhilk the vassall shall pay to the directour of the chancellarie for parchment, wryting, subscriptione, drinksilver, wax and all other expenses the sowm of fourtie shillings allanerlie. The articles ordaines the clerk to present to parliament the article appointing the signatours to pass the quarter seale in maner and for the payment forsaid.

Act ordaining actis of wairding to be direct upon precept from the shirref, stewartis and bailyies of bailyieries eftir expyring of the charge gevin to the debtor and searching of his guds for the sowm of 40 merks, the officiar making faith that he hes searchit the debtours guds, and the prisoner binding himselfe for the prissoners intertainment, red, voited and past in articles, as it is mendit.

Act ordaining provest and baillies within the brugh, baillies of regalitie and baronie to receave captives in thair wairdhouses, appointis the borrowis to sie the same whill the morne.

Article anent javelour fies, appointis the javillour or his servantis to be warnit.

2Act craving that cautione for lowsing of arreistmentis may be found befoir the shirrefis etc. red and refuised.

Act craving that cautione for lawborrowis may be found before the shirrefis etc. red and refuised.

  1. NAS, PA6/3, 'August 31-October 22 1639', f.12(b) v.
  2. Written in margin 'The shirrefis 3 actis delyvered to Jhone Smith'.