[Act for abolition of episcopacy approved; lord commissioner's declaration]

The act rescissorie of the acts introducit in favouris of episcopacie and other prelattis etc. for thair civill places red, voited and past in articles.

The commissioneris grace declarit that he will be heard and caus his majestie advocat produce his ressounes in writt against the article foresaid, or any other article, quhilk shall be voyted by the lords of articles to be presented to the parliament, quhilk his grace conceavis shall be prejudiciall to his majestie.

[Act regarding the constitution of parliament approved and recommended to the king; business ordered to be brought in]

Act anent the constitutione of parliamentis in tyme coming being red, it is thought fitting that in all humilitie the same be represented by the commissioneris grace to his majestie and his majestie supplicate to graunt the samyn and graciouslie to intimate his royall pleasure thairanent to the nixt parliament.

Act anent the constitutione of this parliament red, voited and past in articles.

Jhone Smith is appointed to wairne the persones eftermentionate to compeir before the articles the morne to give their answers in the particulars following, viz: the Lord Burley to produce the report of the committee graunted for tanning of lether, Sir James Balfour to answer to the article producit against the patent of armorie, Maistir Robert Petrie to answer to the article producit against the patent of perle, to advertish the Erle of Linlithgow to produce the act for discharging the casting out ballast above the Queenisferie and to be hard thairupon and to speik with the commissioneris grace anent the patent of tobacco.

[Acts approved; various parties allowed to be heard against these acts; supplication continued]

Act anent the loyall packing of salmond red, voited and past in articles.

The act formerlie past anent the packing and transportatione of hering red and renewed, bot the borrowis appointed to be hard thairupon the morne.

The article anent the discharge of the salmond fishing upon Soneday red, voited and past in articles. Memorand, gif the Erle of Murray or the Laird of Innes haif any thing to be alledgit in the contrair, that they may be heard in dew tyme.

The act formerlie past in favouris of the kingis vassallis of small portiones of land, togidder with the act newlie gevin in by the director of the chancellarie, gevin up to the Laird of Keir for the barones to sie whill the morne.

The supplicatione be the Erle of Argyle against Sir Donald Gorme and otheris being disputed by procurators in presence of the lordis commissioneris grace and articles, continewed till the morne.

  1. NAS, PA6/3, 'August 31-October 22 1639', f.10(a) r-10(a) v.