The Records of the Parliaments of Scotland to 1707, K.M. Brown et al eds (St Andrews, 2007-2024), date accessed: 15 September 2024
[Act regarding salmon fishing and penalties for contravention approved]
Act anent prorogatione of the close tyme for salmon fishing and enlarging the meisheis of salmond nettis red, voited and past in parliament and the conclusione anent the commissione to be charged in thir termes: that upon petitione from parteis haifeing interest the counsale shall yeirlie graunt commissiones; and in so far as concernis the south countrie fishing, ordanes the shirref of Teviotedaill to speik with the Laird of Blacader thairanent, till efternoone; and ordaines the capitall pane to be changed in ane pecuniall, viz: the yeaman servent ten lib. for the first fault and 20 lib. for the second, and gif they be not responsall to be punished at discretione of the justice; the yeaman 20 lib. for the first fault and 40 lib. for the second and for the thrid, escheit; or gif the same be not mair worth then the unlaw, to be farder punished by the judge; and the ressetters to be guiltie of the same punishment with the actors; and for the landit men, 100 lib. for the first fault and 200 lib. for the second and escheit for the thrid.
The act delyvered to Morphie to be drawin up.
The act anent fishing salmond in Levin and generallie within others menis bounds, or slaying salmond with forkis, speiris, leisters etc., red, voited and past in articles as it is mendit, with power to shirrefis, stewartis, baillies, barones within their awin baronies, provest and baillies of brughis and other heritouris haifing right to fishingis, to tak and apprehend quhatsomever persone or persones transgressouris of the premises being deprehendit in the fact, and to tak sommar tryall and cognitioune of the offence and fault so committed by thame. And gif the taker beis baron and the water lye within his baronie, he to haif power to judge; and gif other wayes, he to present the delinquent to the shirref or baillie or stewart or burgh respective within quhais bounds and jurisdictione the water lyis, to be punished as in the other act.
[Act regarding the herring amended and approved; protest against; consideration of acts continued]
Act anent the herring and loyall marking thairof red, voited and past in articles, with this alteratioune: that in place of the gallonis thairmentioned for the quantitie of the barrellis, it be sett downe conforme to the standard of the castles of Edinburgh and Dumbartane. And quhair the act ordaines these quha pas to the iles to carie with thame four barrell of French salt for ane last, to mend the same in thir termes: of French, Spanish or Scottis salt proportionallie finds the repacking necessar, and that the act be only extendit to all which shall be transported to forrene partis. And incaice any herring be packed at ane unfrie brugh, the nixt frie brugh shall be obleist to send the burning iron and their marker to the said unfrie portis. And declairs Newwark and Inchgrein to be the twa places for Glasgow for transportatione of their herring.
Argylre, for himselfe and all others haifing enterest, protested that the same should be without prejudice of any manis right or possessioun as accords of the law.
The act anent the jurisdictione of the conventione of borrowis delyvered to the advocat to be perused whill efternoone.
The article gevin in by the borrowis craving that lettres may be direct against unfriemen to find cautione to desist simpliciter under ane pecuniall pane continued to be advysit whill efternoone.
[Patents debated and ordered to be produced; article for rouping of the common good approved]
Anent the article craving the patent graunted to Henrie Mauld anent the armorie, ordanes Jhone Smith to produce the patent efternoone.
Anent the article against the patent of tobacco grauntit to Sir James Leslie and Thomas Dalmahoy, ordaines Sir Alexander Home and Maistir Williame Wallace to be advertished to compeer befoir the commissioneris general and articles to represent all the ressounes they can against this article in favouris of the patent efternoone.
Anent the article against the patent graunted to the Erle of Mar for tanning of lether, ordaines the Erle of Mar to be warned to compeir befoir the commissioneris general and articles to represent the ressounes for maintenance of his patent efternoone.
Anent the article against the patent graunted to Robert Buchan for the perle, ordaines Maistir Robert Petrie, agent for the said Robert, to be wairned to compeer befoir the lordis commissioneris general and articles, that he may be hard to represent all his ressounes for maintenance of the said patent efternoone.
Anent the article against the patent graunted to James Bannatyne for the peirling, ordaines Maistir Melvill (to whose behove the said patent is graunted) to be warned to compeir befoir the lordis commissioneris general and articles efternoone, to represent his ressounes in defence of the said patent.
The article anent the rowping of the common good belonging to borrowis red, voited and past in articles as it is mendit.
[Act for selling of yarn by weight ordered to be brought in; article regarding breadth of plaid approved]
Anent the article craving that all yairne may be sauld be weight conforme to the act of counsale, Jhone Smith is appointed to bring the act efternoone.
The article for bringing plaiding to ane certaine bredth red, voited and past in articles, to begin the first day of Januar nixt.
[Deleted clause]2
[Supplication remitted to commission for plantation of kirks; ratification approved]
Supplicatioune for disunioune of the parochines of Craigie and Riccartoune, remitted by the lordis commissioneris general and articles to the commissioune to be graunted for plantatione of the kirkis.
Ratificatioune to the brugh of Jedburgh of twa new fairis red, voited and past in articles.
- NAS, PA6/3, 'August 31-October 22 1639', f.6(b) r-6(b) v.
- 'Act discharging the bleitching of linning with lyme and commanded all linning at ten shillings the eline to be eline broad and all under the said pryce to be thrie quarters broad, red, voited and past in articles, to begin at Whitsonday nixt', deleted. This minute appears undeleted under 11 September.