The Records of the Parliaments of Scotland to 1707, K.M. Brown et al eds (St Andrews, 2007-2025), date accessed: 24 January 2025
[Supplications remitted to king as business proper to the general assembly]
The supplicatioune presented by the commissioners of Orknay, craving that some course may be takin for intertainement of the kirk of Sanct Magnus in Kirkwall, the commissioneris general and lords of articles thinks sufficient that this supplicatioune proceids from the assemblie, and that accordinglie the lord commissioneris general recommend the same to his majestie as proceiding from the assemblie, and not to be recordit in parliament.
Anent the supplicatioune presented by the commissioners of Orknay, craving some course to be takin for furnishing their expenses, the lord commissioneris general and articles remittis the same to the generall course takin by the assemblie for the lyke caices.
Anent the supplicatioune presented by the minister and towne of Brechin upon recommendatione from the assemblie, craving that the thesaurarie and chaplanries of Brechin may be takin from the present titulars, who haif sufficient stipend besyde, and gevin to the minister of Brechin for supplie of his small stipend. The lord commissioneris general and articles, haifing besyde the ressones perteined in the bill considered also that thair was ever ane second minister at Brechin whose stipend was payed by the bishop, thinkis it expedient that the said supplicatioune be recommendit to his majestie by the lord commissioneris general as proceiding from the assemblie, bot no act of parliament to pass heirupon.
Anent the supplicatioune presented by the minister and towne of Elgin craving ane maintenance for two ministers and ane reider, they being now altogidder destitute, the lord commissioneris general and articles thinkis it expedient that the said supplicatione be recommendit to his majestie by the lord commissioneris grace as proceiding from the assemblie, bot no act of parliament to pass heirupon.
[Supplication continued; Yule vacation for court of session abolished]
Anent the supplicatioune presented by the minister of Auchtertuill craving augmentatioune of his stipend out of the bishopis rentis, continewis the geving answer thairto till the lords haif takin into thair consideratioune whidder the commissioune for surrenders and plantatione of kirkis shall be revived or not.
Anent the article of the supplicatioune presented by the commissioners from the assemblie craving the Yuill vacance to be dischargit, red, voited and past in articles that the Yuill vacance be dischargit, both for the ressones contenit in the bill and becaus the same hes interrupted the course of justice to the heavie prejudice of the liegis. Thairfoir to order that the sessione sitt betuix the first day of November and the last day of March without any interruptioune of vacance.
[Acts of parliament against drunkenness revived; former acts made against blasphemy ordered to be revised]
Anent the article of the supplicatioune concerning drunkennes, ordaines the actis of parliament maid against that vice to be revived.
Anent the article of the supplicatioune against blasphemie, appointis the kingis majesties advocat to revise the actis of parliament and counsale maid against the same, and represent the same to the articles the morne.
[Answer regarding fees payable to kirk officers continued; market days in Edinburgh and Glasgow etc.]
Continewis the answer to the supplicationes gevin in by the commissioners of the assemblie, craving ane fie to the procurator for the kirk, clerk and agent for the kirk, unto the morne and that inrespect the commissioneris general questioning the grant of the saids offices to pertaine to the kingis majestie, and especiallie that of procurator, did not only challenge that loss of his maisters right, bot lykewayis avouched that his majestie by no reasone could be urgit to pay the fies of any place which is not at his awin presentatioun.2
The mercate day upon Mooneday dischargit in Edinburgh and Glasgow for the particulars quhairupon Jhone Smith and Patrik Bell shall condiscend, bot to stand for the remanent commodities; and the said merchandice so prohibited to be sauld upon the Mooneday to be vented upon the Wednesday. And befoir they determine anent Drumfreis and Jedburgh, to speik with the commissioners of the saids townes that they may condiscend upon the merchandice to be prohibited to be sauld upon Mooneday in these townes. And generallie dischargis all mercattis and merchant trystis upon Sooneday throughout all the kingdome. And the forsaid act anent the discharge of Mooneday mercat to stand quhill the nixt assemblie, that the inconvenience redounding to the lieges by this act being representit to the assemblie, they may consider thairof, and gif they find the same sufficient, may supplicat the nixt following parliament to rescind this act.
[Overtures submitted for salmon fishing on Sunday; supplication regarding ministers' stipends continued]
The ressounes and ouverture for the tolleratioune of salmond fishing upon Sooneday gevin to the Laird of Innes, to be communicat to the Erle of Dumfermeling, that befoir the articles proceid to the determinatione of that article, the Erle of Dumfermelin may also be hard for his interest.
The supplicatioune from the assemblie anent augmentatione of ministers stipendis etc. and the propositioune anent the reviving of the commissioune continued to the morne.
- NAS, PA6/3, 'August 31-October 22 1639', f.5(a) r-5(a) v.
- The text from 'commissioneris general' to the end of the minute appears at the top of the following page, separated from subsequent business by a horizontal line.