[King's letter regarding depute clerk register; act rescinding former acts in favour of episcopacy to be further considered]

The commissioneris general promeist to produce his majesties letter anent the deputatioune graunted to Maistir William Hay the morne.2

The commissioneirs general promeist to peruse the act rescinding the actis introducit in favouriss of bishopis, and to advyse the same with his majesties advocat, and produce the same to the articles the morne.3

[Supplication debated; complaint against the Marquis of Huntly not taken into consideration; petition ordered to be expanded]

Anent the supplicatioune presented by the Erle of Erroll and sindrie other noblemen and gentlemen, craving redres of the disorders committed by the highlandmen, quhilk was subscryved, and efter the subscriptiones had subjoyned ane complaint against the Marquis of Huntlie, quhilk wes not subscryved, the lord commissioneris general and lords of the articles refuises to acknowledge that pairt of the supplicatioune quhilk is subjoyned to the subscriptiones, or to give answer thairto, in respect it is not subscryved. And for the petitioune which is subscryved in respect the same is generall, ordaines the supplicantis to condiscend and be speciall upon the factis complained upon and upon the persones, committers and sufferers of the wrongis thairin specit, and thairefter will give answer to the supplicatioune.4

  1. NAS, PA6/3, 'August 31-October 22 1639', f.4(b) r-4(b) v.
  2. A draft entry of this business can be found on NAS, PA6/3, 'August 31-October 22 1639', f.3(b) v, as follows: 'The commissioner his general promeist to produce his majesties letter anent the deputatioune graunted to Maistir William Hay the morne.'
  3. A draft entry of this business can be found on NAS, PA6/3, 'August 31-October 22 1639', f.3(b) v, as follows: 'The commissioneris general promeist to peruse the act rescinding the actis introducit in favouris of the bishopis and to advyse the same with the advocat and produce the same to the articles the morne.'
  4. A draft entry of this business can be found on NAS, PA6/3, 'August 31-October 22 1639', f.3(b) v, as follows: 'The supplicatioune presented by the Erle of Erroll with many noblemen and gentlemen, which being in the first pairt generall and subscryved eftar the generall petitioune, had [illegible] subjoyned ane [illegible] supplicatioune against the Marquis of Huntlie, the commissioners grace refuised to acknowledge that pairt of the supplicatione which was subjoyned to the subscriptiones in respect the same was not subscryved. And for that pairt of the petition which was subscryved, the supplicants wes ordained to be speciall upon the factis and the persones, doers and sufferers of the injustices therin said and [illegible] will give answer to the supplicatione.'