Procedure: continuation of parliament

The lordis commissioneris foirsaidis of parliament continowes this present parliament and all sommondis, actiones, causes, petitiones and otheris materis whatsomevir belonging therto to the tuentie thrid day of Julii nixtocome, with continoation of dayes, to be haldin than at Edinburghe or wher it shall happine his majestie and his hienes privie counsell to appoynt be oppene proclamatione, and ordeanes the whole esteatis of parliament to attend therwpon the said day and place wnder the paines conteanit in the actes of parliament mad thairanent. Quhairwpon the said Sir Thomas Hope, advocat to our soverane lord, in his hienes name, asked instrumentes.

  1. NAS, PA2/22, f.1v.