Act in favour of the Laird of Tinwald

Oure soverane lord and estates of this present parliament, considering that umquhile Williame Maxwell, appearand of Tynwald, in ane justice court haldine within the towne of Drumfreis be umquhile George, earle of Dumbar, upon the tuentie fyft day of July, jM vjC nyne yeirs, was convict and foirfaultit for the crymes of lesimajestie committed be him and particularlie mentionat and contenit in the proces, sentence and doome of foirfaultrie led and deduicit againes him thairanent; and that his hienes umquhile darrest father, King James the Saxt, of worthie memorie, upon certane knawledge of the good gesture, fidelitie and affectione givin be umquhile Edward Maxwell, sone lawfull to the said umquhile Williame, towards his said umquhile hienes and peace of this his kingdome, of his grace and mercie, not being willing that the posteritie of the said umquhile Williame for the saidis offences sould be farder punischit, thairfor, his hienes said umquhile darrest father, of his hienes authoritie, regall favour, clemencie and kinglie benevolence, restorit and rehabilitat the said umquhile Edward Maxwell, his airs and successors and all uthers, the airs and posteritie of the said umquhile Williame, his father, againes the said foirfaultrie and maid and declarit thame worthie, able and capable to conqueis, acquire, posses, joyse and use benefices, teinds with quhatsumever lands, heretages, steidings, possessiones, honors, dignities and offices within the said kingdome of Scotland siclyk and als frilie as any uther faithfull and obedient subject, and as gif the said proces and doome of foirfaltor had never beine led and deduicit againes the said umquhile Williame; and for the said umquhile Edward and posteritie of the said umquhile Williame, thair better secuiritie, his hienes said umquhile father promitted in verbo regis to ratifie and approve to the said umquhile Edward or posteritie of the said umquhile Williame the said letter of grace, favour and rehabilitatione, as in the samyne wnder the great seale, of the dait the tuentie nynt day of Apryll, jM vjC nynteine yeirs, at mair lenth is contenit. And siclyk our said soverane lord, wnderstanding perfytlie that the crymes for the quhilk the said umquhile Williame Maxwell was convict and foirfault was not against his majesties said umquhile father, his sacred persone nor estate of the kingdome, bot onlie committed upon ane certane grudge againes certane persones with quhome he was standing in enmitie, and that the samyne being well knawine to his hienes said umquhile darrest father, he did not onlie rehabilitat the airs and successors of the said umquhile Williame, bot also did promitt to doe the samyne in this nixt parliament; and thairupon his majestie, being willing to follow that course intendit be his hienes said umquhile darrest father and to give the successors of the said umquhile Williame occasione to continew in thair dewtifull service in tyme coming, thairfor his majestie and estates forsaidis of this present parliament ratifies and approves the said letter of grace, favour, rehabilitatione, restitutione and restauratione thairin contenit in all and sundrie the heads, pointes, clauses, articles and conditiones thairof, and efter the forme and tennor thairof in all pointes, sua that it is or sall be leasome and lawfull to the airs and successors quhatsumever of the said umquhile Edward and posteritie of the said umquhile Williame quhatsumever peaciblie to bruik, joyse and posses all and quhatsumever lands, heretages, places, offices and dignities quhatsumever falling and perteining, and quhilks anywayes may fall and perteine to thame, enter thairto, sell, use and dispone thairupon at thair pleasure siclyk, als frilie and in all respects and conditiones as if the forsaid sentence, proces and doome of foirfaultrie had never beine led nor pronuncit, nor the crymes thairinspecifiet had never beine committit, or as if the said proces, sentence and doome of foirfaultrie and causes quhatsumever thairine contenit wer lauchfullie reduicit and takine away, notwithstanding of quhatsumever uther gift, presentatione and richt, if any be grantit in favours of any uther persone or persones upon the foirfaltor of the said umquhile Williame Maxwell of quhatsumever his lands or uthers perteining to him, or quhairwnto he was to succeid, and of quhatsumever actes of parliament, secreit counsall, uther actes, statuites or constitutiones, if any be, quhilks may be extendit in the contrair. And farder, for the airs and successors of the said umquhile Williame Maxwell, thair better secuiritie, his majestie and estates forsaidis of this present parliament rehabilitates, restores and reintegrates and als accepts, receaves and repones the saidis airs and successors of the said umquhile Williame Maxwell of new in and to his hienes mercie, favour and grace againes the said proces, sentence and doome of foirfaltour, haill occasiones and crymes contenit thairintill, and in and to all and sundrie lands, baronies, annuelrents, takes, steidings, rowmes, possessiones, guids, geir and uthers quhatsumever fra the quhilks they war debarrit or micht have beine debarrit be the said foirfaltour of the said umquhile Williame Maxwell; and wills and grants that they, thair airs and assignais may enter thairto, persew, thairfor bruik, joyse, use and dispone thairupon at thair pleasure, and makes and declairs the airs of the said umquhile Edward Maxwell and the posteritie of the said umquhile Williame able, worthie and capable to receave, bruik, joyse and use honors, dignities and offices in quhatsumever judgments and outwith the samyne in all tyme coming, siclyk and als frilie in all respects and conditiones as if the forsaid sentence, proces and doome of foirfaltour had never beine led nor pronuncit againes him nor the crymes thairin specifiet had never beine committit be him, notwithstanding quhatsumever actes of parliament, secreit counsall and uthers actes, statuites and constitutiones, if any be maid, quhilks may be extendit or interpretat in the contrair thairof; anent the quhilks, his majestie, for his hienes and his successors, with consent abonewrittine, dispenses for ever, and for that effect declairs the said proces and sentence and doome of foirfaltour to be null and of nane availl, force nor effect siclyk and as if the samyne had never beine led and deduicit. With power to the airs and successors of the said umquhile Williame and of the said umquhile Edward, his sone, to rais breives, proclame the samyne and thairupon obteine thameselffes servit and retourit airs to thair predicessors and infeft in thair lands and uthers haldine of the immediat lawfull superiors siclyk and in the same maner and als frilie in all respects as if the said umquhile Williame Maxwell had never beine foirfault, and as if thair had never beine gift, presentatione, infeftment or uther richt grantit upon his said forfaltour.

  1. NAS, PA2/21, f.125v-126r.