The Records of the Parliaments of Scotland to 1707, K.M. Brown et al eds (St Andrews, 2007-2024), date accessed: 17 September 2024
Act in favour of the Laird of Bischoptoun
Oure soverane lord, with advyse of the thrie estates of parliament, ratifies and approves the chartor grantit be his majestie, wnder his hienes great seale, for himselff and as father, tutor, guyder and lawfull administrator to his hienes darrest sone, the prince of Great Britane, France and Ireland, and prince and stewart of Scotland, to his hienes lovitts Johne Birsbane, elder, of Bischoptoun, in lyfrent, and to Johne Birsbane, younger, of Bischoptoun, his airs male and assignais heretablie, of all and haill the sax pund land lyand one the north syd of the water of Gogo, of the ten pund land of auld extent of Killingcraig and Gogosyd, with thair pertinents, and of all and haill uther four pund land of the said ten pund land of Killingcraig and Gogosyd, with mylnes, multors, wodes, fischings, pairts, pendicles and pertinents thairof, togider with the common pasture of goodes in the commountie commounlie callit the Comown Mwir of Largis; and als of all and haill that equall and just thride pairt of the said commowntie callit the Commoun Mwire of Largis, lyand neirrest and contigue to the saidis lands of Killincraige and Gogosyd, and of the greine quhair the commoun mercat now is haldine at the kirk of Largis, lyand betuix the water of Gogo and the mure callit Mureburne, with thair pertinents; and siclyk of all and haill the towne and burgh abone the saidis lands, callit the Newtoun of Gogo, with all priveledges and liberties of the said burgh of baronie, all erectit in ane frie baronie, callit the baronie of Gogosyde; and siclyk of all and haill the thretteine schilling, four pennie land of Hangandheuch, with tennents, tennandries and service of frie tennents thairof, with commoun pasture, commoun priveledge and libertie in the commountie and mure of Largis, annexis, connexis, pairts, pendicles and pertinents thairof, extending in the haill to saxteine merkland, all lyand in the bailliarie of Cwnighame and shirefdome of Air; and als of all and haill that pairt and portione of land callit the Largis and Largs Mure, with the towne of Largis, heaven place, lands, mures, coalles, hills, moses and commounties belonging thairto, or possest thairwith, or being propper pairts, pendicles, and pertinents thairof, alsweill abone the earth as wnder the earth, lyand in the saidis bailliarie of Cwnighame and shirefdome of Air, and that in sa far as answers to the proportioun of the propertie of the lands, baronie and uthers abonespecifiet contenit in the auld infeftments thairof of the said Johne Birsbane, elder, of Bischoptoun, extending to the said saxteine pund land lyand as said is, and to Jonat Chalmers, spous to the said Johne Birsbane, younger, of Bischoptoun, in conjunctfie, with the said Johne Birsbane, hir spous, of all and haill the said four pund land of Killingcraig, with the corne mylne, multors and sequells thairof, with maner place, houses, yeards, orcheards of the said four pund land, with all pairts, pendicles and pertinents thairof, proceiding upon the resignatioun of the said John Birsbane, elder, and Williame, vicount of Striveling, secretar to his majestie, conteining ane ratificatioun of all uthers infeftments grantit to the said Johne Birsbane and his predicessors of the lands, baronie, burgh of baronie and uthers abonespecifiet, and of new erecting the samyne in ane frie baronie, callit the said baronie of Gogosyde, to be haldine of his majesties deirrest sone, the prince, and his successors, princes and stewarts of Scotland, in fie heretage and frie baronie for ever, for yeirlie payment of service usit and wont, of the dait the elevint day of August, jM vjC threttie ane yeirs, togider with all and sundrie uthers chartors, infeftments, richtes and secuirities maid and grantit to the said Johne Birsbane, elder, and Johne Birsbane, younger, thair predicessors and authors of the lands, baronie and uthers respective abonewrittine in all and sundrie heades, clauses, articles and conditiones contenit thairintill efter the formes and tennors thairof. And farder his majestie, with advyse of the saidis estates of parliament, for the good, trew and thankfull service done to his hienes be the said Johne Birsbane, elder, and Johne Birsbane, younger, and for divers uthers good respects and considerationes moving his hienes, wills and grants, and for his hienes and his successors, decernes and declairs that the saidis chartors, infeftments and uthers richts and secuirities abonewrittine ar guid and valeid richts to the said Johne Birsbane, elder, and Johne Birsbane, younger, and thair forsaidis for bruiking and joysing of the lands, baronie, burgh of baronie and uthers respective abonespecifiet in all tyme coming. And farder his majestie, with consent forsaid, hes dissolved, and be thir presents dissolves, the lands, baronie and uthers respective abonespecifiet, with the pertinents, fra all actes of annexatione quhatsumever maid of the lands within this realme to his hienes crowne be any of his hienes predicessors and estates of parliament in any tyme bygane, to the effect his majestie, for himself and as father, tutor, guyder and lawfull administrator to his hienes said darrest sone, the prince, may grant and dispone heretablie to the said Johne Birsbane, elder, of Bischoptoun, in lyfrent, and the said Johne Birsbane, younger, of Bischoptoun, his airs male and assignais heretablie, the lands, baronie and uthers forsaidis to be haldine of his majesties said darrest sone, the prince, and his successors, princes and stewarts of Scotland, in fie heretage and frie baronie for yeirlie payment of the dewties contenit in the forsaid infeftments, and ordaines chartors to be past and exped heirupon wnder his majesties great seale in sick dew forme as effeirs.
- NAS, PA2/21, f.124r-v.