The Records of the Parliaments of Scotland to 1707, K.M. Brown et al eds (St Andrews, 2007-2024), date accessed: 17 September 2024
Act in favour of the fewars of Inverask
Oure soverane lord and estates of this present parliament ratifies, approves and confirmes the contract maid at Sanct Jameses besyde Lundone, the aucht day of November and at Edinburgh, the tuentie fourt day of December respective, the yeir of God jM vjC threttie ane yeirs, betuixt his majestie, with consent of his hienes thesaurar principall, thesaurer deputt and remanent of his majesties exchecker of this kingdome, one the ane pairt, and his hienes richt traist cowsigne Charles, earle of Dumfermling, with consent of his curators James Richardsone of Smeton, Robert Dowglas, Robert Vernour, Williame Merstoun, Thomas Foirman, Robert Maissone, Williame Hendersone, Thomas Smith, James Robertsone, Robert Strachane, Johne Vernour, Richard Allane, Walter Smart, James Duncane, Archibald Hislope, George Andersone and Robert Penman and remanent the fewars of the lands of Invreask, lyand within the lordschip of Musselburgh, regalitie of Dumfermling and shirefdome of Edinburgh, speciallie designit and sett downe in the said contract, one the uther pairt, registrat in the buikes of exchecker of the said kingdome at Edinburgh, the saxt day of Januar, jM vjC threttie tua yeirs, quhairby his majestie, with consent forsaid, faithfullie promitted to mak and perfyt to the saidis heretors respective, thair airs and successors in the richt of thair saidis lands respective all lawfull and valeid secuirities for bruiking of the teindscheaves of thair saidis lands respective, perpetuallie and for ever in all tyme coming; and for that effect willit and declarit that the saidis teind scheaves sould be unit and incorporat to the saidis lands, ilkane of thame for thair awine pairts respective, conforme to the proportioun of the propertie thairof, and to grant pases and exped to the saidis heretors and thair forsaidis infeftments of thair saidis lands cum decimis inclusis to the effect the saidis lands may be bruikit conjunctlie in stock and teind be the heretors of the samyne for ever, to be haldine of his majestie and his hienes successors in fewferme and heretage for the yeirlie payment of the fewferme dewtie contenit in the severall infeftments of the saidis fewars, thair saidis lands, and als for payment of the rentall bolles, everie ane of thame for thair awine pairts, to be addit to the saidis fewmaills in maner particularlie sett downe in the said contract and with declaratione that the saidis rentall bolles sall not be doublit at the entrie of the airs, bot allanerlie the auld fewferme dewtie contenit in the saidis heretors thair infeftments of the saidis lands, and the uthers conditiones quhatsumever contenit in the said contract exprest, sett downe and conceavit in favours of the saidis heretors, thair airs and successors, with the infeftments quhatsumever following or to follow thairupon, and all that hes followit or may follow upon the samyne in all and sundrie the heads, pointes, clauses, articles, circumstances and conditiones thairof, and efter the formes and tennors of the samyne in all pointes, sua that it is and sall be leasome and lawfull to the saidis heretors, and ilkane of thame, to pas and exped infeftments be resignatione or utherwayes in favours of thameselffes, thair airs, assignais or successors, ilkane of thame of thair awine lands, cum decimis inclusis, for payment of the dewties contenit and mentionat in the said contract in all tyme coming, and to secure thameselffes thairin for thair bruiking of the saidis teinds with the stock heretablie and irredimablie for ever, but contradictioun.
- NAS, PA2/21, f.122v-123r.