The Records of the Parliaments of Scotland to 1707, K.M. Brown et al eds (St Andrews, 2007-2024), date accessed: 17 September 2024
Act in favour of the skinners of Edinburgh
Oure soverane lord and estates of this present parliament ordaines ane ratificatioun to be maid in favour of the deacone and remanent brithereine, burgeses and friemen of the skinner craft within the burgh of Edinburgh and thair successors, in dew forme, ratifiand, approvand and, for his hienes and his successors, perpetuallie confirmand the letters, act, decreit and ratificatioun thairin contenit, maid, givin and grantit upon the tuentie saxt day of November, jM vjC and threttie yeirs, be the than proveist, baillies, deane of gild, thesaurer and remanent counsall and deacones of crafts within the burgh of Edinburgh convenit to counsall, upon supplicatione maid to thame be the deacone of the said skinner craft for the tyme, for himselff and in name and behalffe of the remanent brithereine, burgeses and friemen of the said craft within the said burgh, to the samyne deacone and remanent brithereine, burgeses and friemen of the said skinner craft within the said burgh and thair successors and in thair favours, quhairby the saidis proveist, baillies, counsall and deacones of craftes of the said burgh hes ratifiet and approvine the particular articles speciallie and particularlie exprest in the saidis letters and act maid alsweill for observing of ordour and policie amongs the said deacone and remanent brithereine, burgeses and friemen of the said craft, as for thair liberatione frome the injuries frome uthers, and great damnage sustenit be thame be the great multitude of wnfriemen of the said craft within the said burgh and outwith the samyne in the suburbes thairof, to the effect that good order and policie may be observit among the brithereine of the said craft, and that they may be preserved frome the injurie and oppressione quhilk may befall to thame be wnfriemen and straingers quha, without any warrand, usurpes the libertie and priveledge of the said craft, as the saidis articles at lenth insert in the saidis letters and act beirs. And all the clauses and circumstances of the saidis articles, as being fund be the saidis proveist and baillies, counsall and deacones of craft of the said burgh, efter thair reiding, consideratione, lang conference and consultatione had thairupon, and thairwith being ryplie advysit, to be maist reassonable, lawfull, and proffitable for the honour, weill and policie of the said craft, and the saidis proveist, baillies, counsall and deacones of croftes hes interponit thair authoritie thairto, and decernit tham to be keipit and observit in all tyme coming, and hes commandit the officiars present and to come to putt the samyne to dew executioun in all pointes againes the contraveners and breakers thairof wnder the paines thairin contenit in maner thairin mentionat, as in the saidis letters, act, decreit and ratificatioun thairin contenit of the dait forsaid, wnder the signe and subscriptione manuall of the commoun clerk and seale of caus of the said burgh, at mair lenth is contenit; and the confirmatioun grantit thairupon be our said soverane lord the king's majestie, with advyse and consent of his hienes principall thesaurar, deputtie thesaurar, and remanent lords of his hienes exchecker of Scotland, his majesties commissioners, to and in favours of the said deacone and remanent brithereine, burgeses and friemen of the said skinner craft within the said burgh of Edinburgh, and thair successors, wnder his majesties great seale, of the dait at the palace of Quhytehall in Ingland, the tuentie fyft day of Marche, the yeir of God jM vjC threttie ane yeirs, as the samyne confirmatioun also beirs in all and sundrie the heads, pointes, clauses, articles and conditiones thairin contenit, and efter the formes and tennors thairof in all pointes. And oure said soverane lord and estates of this present parliament willes, grants, decernes and ordaines all the heads and articles contenit in the saidis letters, act, decreit and ratificatioun thairin contenit, confirmit as said is, maid and grantit in favours of the said deacone and remanent brithereine, burgeses and friemen of the said skinner craft within the said burgh of Edinburgh and thair successors, and for thair good ordour, pollicie and utilitie in maner thairin contenit, to be dewlie observit, keipit and obeyit in all tyme coming, and to be putt to dew executioun in all pointes againes the contraveiners and breakers thairof, wnder the paines thairin contenit in maner thairin mentionat in all pointes. As also oure said soverane lord and estates of parliament wills, grants, declairs and ordaines that this present ratificatioun of the saidis letters, act, decreit and ratificatioun and articles thairincontenit, and of his hienes said confirmatione thairof, is, and sall be, als valeid and sufficient and of als great force, strenth and effect to the said deacone and remanent brithereine, burgeses and friemen of the said skinner craft within the said burgh of Edinburgh and thair successors for bruiking and using of the liberties thairin contenit in all tyme coming, as if the samyne letters, act, decreit, ratificatioun and articles thairin contenit and his hienes said confirmatione thairof wer all at lenth de verbo in verbum insert and contenit in the said ratificatione, notwithstanding the samyne sall not be sua done; quhairanent, our said soverane lord and estates of parliament hes dispensit and, be thir presents, dispenses for ever, and that the said ratificatioun be farder extendit in dew forme with all clauses necessar.
- NAS, PA2/21, f.121r-v.