Act in favour of the ministers of Portpatrick

Oure soverane lord, with advyse and consent of the thrie estates of this present parliament, be thir presents ratifies and approves the chartor or letters patent maid and grantit be his majestie, of the dait at Whytehall, the tent day of Maii, the yeir of God jM vjC and tuentie aucht yeirs, quhairby, and for the causes onerous thairin contenit, his majestie seperated, dismembered and devydit in all tyme thaireftir the lands of Portrie and Kinhilt and tuentie merk land callit Sorbies Lands, lyand withine the shirefdome of Wigtoun, fra the kirk and parochine of Inche, within the quhilk the samyne did ly of befoir, and erectit the saidis lands and baronie of Portrie and Kinhilt with the said tuentie merk lands callit Sorbies Lands and haill bounds within the samyne in ane severall and distinct parochine, and ordanit the kirk then bigging within the burgh of Portpatrick, alias Portmongumrie, to be the paroche kirk thairof in all tyme thaireftir, and ordanit the said kirk to be plantit with ane sufficient pastor and minister to serve the cure thairat as ane severall paroche kirk, and ordanit the haill inhabitants of the said burgh of Portpatrick, alias Port Mongumerie, with all uther inhabitants within the saidis lands and baronie of Portrie and Kinhilt and tuentie merk land forsaid callit Sorbies Land, to repair to the said kirk of Portpatrick, alias Portmongumrie, to the pious uses thairin mentionat, and quhairby his majestie erectit the said kirk in ane severall title and rectorie to be callit the rectorie of Portpatrick and gave, grantit and disponit to Hew, vicount Montgumrie of Airds, his airs and successors, the advocatione, donatione and richt of patronage of the said rectorie, with the richt of presentatione and nomination of the ministers to serve at the said kirk in all tyme thaireftir, and unit and annexit the samyne advocatioun, donatione and richt of patronage of the said rectorie to the forsaid baronie of Portrie and Kinhilt perteining heretablie to the said Hew, vicount Montgomrie. And siclyk, be thir presents, ratifies and approves the chartor of mortificatione maid and grantit be his majestie wnder his hienes great seale, of the dait at Hamtoun Court, the tuentie fyft day of October, the yeir of God jM vjC and threttie yeirs, quhairby his majestie supprest and extinguischit the name and title of the abbacie of Salsett, to the effect that the haill teinds, fruites, rents and dewties perteining to the said abbacie micht be mortifiet, unit and annexit to the kirk of Portpatrick, wnder the reservationes mentionat in the said chartor of mortificatione, and quhairby his majestie mortifiet, unit and annexit to the said kirk of Portpatrick, and to the minister serving the cure thairat and his successors for ever, the haill teinds, personage and viccarage great and small, kirks, rents, proffeitts, dewties and emoluments perteining of befor to the said abbacie and spiritualitie thairof, reservand to his majestie and his successors the presentatione of the ministers of the kirkes of Salsett and Kirkmadin in the Rinnes, quhilkes war of befor the onlie tua kirkes of the said abbacie, togider with the haill locall stipends and teinds of the saidis kirkes payit to the ministers serving the cure at the samyne kirkes and thair successors alreadie modifiet to thame, and quhairof they war in possessione befor the dait forsaid of the said last chartor, and quhairby his majestie gave, grantit and disponit to the minister serving the cure at the said kirk of Portpatrick and his successors the haill rest and remanent teinds, personage and viccarage, fruites and rents of the saidis tua kirkes of Salsett and Kirkmadin (over and abone the locall stipends abonementionat) to remaine with the said kirk of Portpatrick as ane pairt of the patrimonie thairof for ever, and quhairby his majestie gave, mortifiet and assignit to the said minister of Portpatrick and his successors the haill fewfermes and fewmaills of the haill temporall lands of the said abbacie of Salsett of the crope and yeir of God, jM vjC and threttie yeirs, Whitsunday and Mertimes termes thairof, and of all yeirs and cropes thaireftir wnder the declaratione and provisione mentionat in the said last chartor in all and sundrie pointes, articles and clauses contenit in the saidis tua chartors, efter the formes and tennors thairof. And declairs and ordaines that this present ratificatioun of the saidis tua chartors, baith wnder the great seale, is and sall be als guid and sufficient in all respects as if the samyne tua chartors wer at lenth and word be word insert and ingrossit heirintill, dispensand heirby with the not inserting thairof in this present ratificatioun. Lykas his majestie, with advyse and consent forsaid, be thir presents statuites and ordaines that the forsaid first chartor or letters patent and this present ratificatioun thairof ar, and sall be, sufficient richts and secuirities to the minister of the said kirk of Portpatrick, alias Portmongumrie, and his successors for bruiking and joysing of the teinds thairof provydit to him and to the said Hew, vicount Montgumrie of Airds and his forsaidis, for the peacible bruiking and joysing of the said advocatioun, donatioun and richt of patronage of the said paroche kirk or rectorie, and of the richt of presentatione and nominatione of the ministers to serve the cure at the said kirk in all tyme coming. And lykwayes that the forsaid last chartor and this present ratificatioun thairof ar, and sall be, ane sufficient, valeid and lawfull richt and secuiritie to the said minister of Portpatrick and his successors for bruiking, joysing and possessing of the teinds, personage and viccarage, fruites, rents, emoluments, fewfermes, fewmaills and uthers abonementionat mortifiet to thame be the said last chartor perpetuallie in all tyme coming wnder the declaratione and provisione thairin mentionat, ordaining thir presents to be ane sufficient warrand to the clerk of register and his deputtes for extending of ane act of parliament heirupon in dew and competent forme, with provisione alwayes that this present ratificatioun sall nawayes be prejudiciall to the Laird of Kinhilt, his richts and infeftments, bot that the samyne sall remaine with him wnhurt as of befor.

  1. NAS, PA2/21, f.119r-v.