Act in favour of Thomas Crombie of Kemno

Oure soverane lord and estates of this present parliament ordaines ane ratificatioun to be maid thairine to and in favours of his hienes lovitt Thomas Crombie of Kemno and Margarett Ker, his spous, thair airs and assignais wnderwrittine, ratifiand, approvand and, for his hienes and his successors, perpetuallie confirmand, lykas, be the tennor heirof, oure said soverane lord and estates of parliament ratifies, approves and, for his majestie and successors, perpetuallie confirmes the chartor and infeftment of the dait at Halyrudhous, the first day of July, jM vjC tuentie four yeirs, maid, givine and grantit be his hienes umquhile darrest father James, king of Great Britane, France and Ireland, defendar of the faith, of worthie memorie, with advyse and consent of his majesties principall thesaurar, deputtie thesaurar and remanent lords of secreit counsall, his majesties commissioners for the tyme, to the said Thomas Crombie, then designit writter to his majesties signet, now of Kemno, and to his airs and assignais thairin mentionat, of all and haill the lands and baronie of Kemno, with maner place, mylnes, multors, orcheards, yeards and salmond fischings upon baith the sydes of the water of Done, cruiffies, priveledges, liberties, casualities, commodities, proffeitts, dewties and uthers at mair lenth specifiet and contenit in the said chartor and infeftment, conteining thairin ane particular pairt and portione of the saidis lands and baronie disponit per expressum to the said Margaret Ker, spous to the said Thomas, in lyfrent, with ane new gift and dispositione of the saidis haill lands and baronie proceiding upon the resignatione of Sir William Dowglas of Glenbervie, knicht, and with the teindscheaves of the towne and lands of Inverury, mylne lands and [...] lands proceiding upon the resignatione of Sir Alexander Irwing of Drum and of Dame Margaret Scrymgeor, his spous, and umquhile Alexander Irwing of Drum, his father, unit and annexit in ane haill and frie baronie callit the baronie of Kemno, to be haldine of our soverane lord and his majesties successors in fie and heretage, taxt waird and frie baronie for ever; togider with ane uther chartor and infeftment maid, givin and grantit be his majesties said umquhile darrest father of worthie memorie, with advyse of his principall thesaurar and lords of secreit counsall, his majesties commissioners for the tyme, of the dait at Newmercatt, the thrid day of December, the yeir of God jM vjC tuentie and tua yeirs, to the said Sir Williame Dowglas of Glenbervie, knicht, author to the said Thomas, and to his airs male and assignais quhatsumever, of all and haill the said lands of Kemno, with the mylnes thairof and thair pertinents, lyand within the shirefdome of Abirdeine, proceiding upon the resignatione of Williame, now Marques of Dowglas, than stylit earle of Angus, lord Dowglas and Abernethie etc., conteining also thairin ane new gift and dispositione of the saidis lands, mylnes, salmond fisching, cruiffes, ferrieboitt, priveledges, liberties and uthers at lenth specifiet in the said chartor, all unit, erected and incorporat in ane frie baronie, to be haldine of his hienes said umquhile darrest father and his majesties successors in fie heretage, taxt waird and frie baronie for ever, with the precepts of sasing and instruments of sasing respective following upon the saidis tua chartors and ilkane or ather of thame in all and sundrie the heads, pointes, pases, clauses, articles, circumstances and conditiones contenit in the saidis tua chartors, precepts and instruments of sasing and ilkane of thame, and efter the forme and tennor thairof in all pointes. Lykas our said soverane lord and estates of parliament wills and grants and, for his majestie and successors, perpetuallie decernes and ordaines that this present ratificatioun of the saidis tua chartors, precepts and instruments of sasing following thairupon is and sall be of als great strenth, force and effect to the said Thomas Crombie and to his airs and assignais contenit in the said infeftment, and also to the said Margaret Ker, spous to the said Thomas, in lyfrent for hir pairt and portione for bruiking, joysing, assigning and disponing upon the saidis lands and baronie of Kemno, salmond fischings, cruiffes, ferie boitt, mylnes, multures and uthers specifiet in the saidis infeftments conforme and according to the conditiones and provisiones thairin mentionat, as if the saidis chartors, precepts and seasings wer all at lenth word be word heirin insert and ingrossit, and notwithstanding thairof and of quhatsumever objectioun, questioun, defect or imperfectione that may be alledgit or proponit in the contrair, quhairanent his majestie and estates of parliament hes and, be thir presents, dispenses for ever. And farder our said soverane lord, with consent forsaid, gives full power and libertie to the said Thomas Crombie and his forsaidis to intent, prosecute and persew all actiones and causes quhilks ar, or anywayes may be, competent to his majestie anent the saidis lands and baronie, salmond fischings, ferrieboitt, cruiffes, priveledges and commodities thairof and uthers abonewrittine contenit in the saidis tua infeftments, or ather of thame, be vertew of any richt quhilk his majestie hes or may pretend thairto againes quhatsumever persone or persones, and to prosecut and persew the saidis actiones to the finall end and decisione thairof, siclyk and als frilie as his majestie micht doe himselfs.

  1. NAS, PA2/21, f.118r-v.