Act in favour of Johne Sinklar of Stevinsone

Oure soverane lord and estates of parliament ordaines ane act to be maid thairintill in favours of his majesties lovitt Johne Sinklar of Stevinsone, ratifieand, approveand and, for his hienes and his successors, perpetuallie confirmand the alienatione, dispositioune and venditione maid to him, his airs and assignais quhatsumever be Johne, earle of Marre, lord Erskeine and Garioche etc., with advyse of Dame Marie Stewart, countes of Marre, his spous, lady conjunctfiar of the samyne, for thameselffes and takand the burdeine upon thame for Johne and Charles Erskeines, thair sones; and als the said Johne and Charles, for thameselffes, with expres advyse and consent of the said Johne, earle of Marre, thair father and administrator, and als with advyse and consent of Johne, lord Erskeine and James, earle of Buchane, lord Auchterhous and Glendovachie, and Johne Erskeine of Litlesauchie, thair curators, for thair entreises, of all and haill the kirklands of Pencaitland, with the mansioune houses, biggings, yeards, orcheards, barnes, barneyeards, tennents, tennandries and service of frie tennents, fewfermes, pairts, pendicles and pertinents thairof, and als of all and sundrie the teindscheives and uthers teinds, alsweill personage as viccarage, of the saidis kirklands with the pertinents, and siclyk of all and sundrie the teindscheaves, alsweill great as small, alsweill viccarage as personage, of all and haill the said Johne Sinklar his lands and baronie of Westerpencaitland and steids and possessiounes thairof callit Foulstruther, Bromerig, Magrye, Mylnetowne, mylne and mylnelands of Mylnetowne, Crinschburne and Wodhall, with all thair pairts, pendicles and pertinents of the saidis lands of Westerpencaitland and of all uthers lands, steids and possessiounes, alsweill not named as named, lyand withine the parochine of Pencaitland perteining of befor in propertie to Johne Sinklar of Hirdmestoune and to Sir Johne Sinklar, his sone, fear thairof, and now to the said Johne Sinklar, lyand within the constabularie of Hadingtoune and shirefdome of Edinburgh, quhilk dispositioun and alienatioune is of the dait the [...] day of [...], jM vjC and [...] yeirs, togider with the procuratorie of resignatione thairin contenit and instrument of resignatione following thairupon; togider also with the chartor givin be our said soverane lord to the said Johne Sinklar of the samyne kirklands and teinds respective abonewrittine, of the dait the nynt day of August 1630, and precept and instrument of sasing givin conforme thairto, togider with the tak and assedatioun sett be the said noble earle and remanent persones abonenamit to the said Johne Sinklar and his forsaidis of the saidis haill teinds, baith personage and viccarage, of the lands and uthers abonewrittine of certane yeirs thairin mentionat, of the dait the [...] day of [...], jM vjC and [...] yeirs; togider with the decreit of valuatione led and deduicit befor the subcommissioners of Hadingtoun anent the teinds of the saidis lands of Westerpencaitland, of the dait [...] day of [...], jM vjC and [...] yeirs, togider with the act of mitigatione maid of the samyne valuatione be the lords of his majesties commissioun, of the dait the [...] day of [...], jM vjC and [...] yeirs, togider with all uthers chartors, infeftments, takes, assedationes, richts, titles and secuirities maid to the said Johne Sinklar, his authors and predicessors, of and concerning the lands and uthers abonewrittine or any pairt thairof of quhatsumever dait, tennors or contents the samyne be of, or beirs, in the haill haids, clauses and conditiones thairof. And wills and grants and, be thir presents, expreslie declairs that this present ratificatioun of the premises in generall, but prejudice of the specialitie forsaid, be als sufficient to the said Johne Sinklar and his forsaidis as if all the samyne richts wer heirin speciallie insert, ratifiet and approvine, and finds and declairs that the samyne richts generallie and speciallie abonewrittine, togider with this present act of ratificatioun, be guid and sufficient richts to the said Johne Sinklar and his forsaidis for bruiking and joysing of the saidis kirklands and teinds, baith great and small, personage and viccarage thairof, and of the remanent lands of Westerpencaitland, comprehending as said is, but any obstacle, impediment or contradictione quhatsumever to be maid and moved againes him and his forsaidis thairfor.

  1. NAS, PA2/21, f.117r-118r.