Act in favour of the Laird of Rouchlaw

Oure soverane lord, with advyse and consent of the thrie estates of this present parliament, be the tennor heirof, ratifie and approve the few chartor maid and grantit be his majesties umquhile darrest father of worthie memorie wnder his hienes great seale, of the dait the saxteine day of October, the yeir of God jM vjC and auchteine yeirs, to and in favours of umquhile Williame Sydserff of Ruchlaw, his airs male and of tailyie thairin contenit, of all and haill the lands of Ruchlaw and mylne thairof, biggit be the said umquhile Williame Sydserff, with the multors and sequells of the samyne, maner place, houses, biggings, yairds, orcheards, annexis, connexis, pairts, pendicles and all thair pertinents, and all and haill the lands of Howden, with the pairts, pendicles, annexis, connexis and pertinents thairof quhatsumever, togider with commountie and commoun pasturage within the mure of Lammermure usit and wont and with priveledge and libertie of casting and leiding away of fewall, peitts and heather within the samyne, all lyand within the constabularie of Hadingtoun and shirefdome of Edinburgh, proceiding upon the foirfaltour of umquhile George and umquhile Alexander, earles of Marche, or ather of thame, as being propper pairts and pertinents of the said earledome of Marche, and perteining to his majesties said umquhile darrest father, and being in his hienes and his predicessors hands be reassoun of foirfaltour throw the proces and dome of foirfaltour, ordourlie led and deduicit againes the said umquhile George, earle of Marche or umquhile Alexander, earle of Marche, for certane crymes of treassoun and lesimajestie committit be thame, quhairof they wer convict in parliament, as in the proces and dome of foirfaltor led and deduicit thairanent at mair lenth is contenit, to be haldine of his majesties said umquhile darrest father and his hienes successors in fie and heretage for yeirlie payment of the soume of fourtie merks usuall money of this realme of Scotland at tua termes in the yeir, Whitsunday and Mertimes in winter, be equall portiones, and als the airs of the said umquhile Williame Sydserff doubland the said fewferme the first yeir of thair entrie to the lands and uthers forsaidis, as use is, of fewferme allanerlie, togider with the precept of sasing following upon the said chartour of the dait forsaid thairof and the instrument of sasing givin be vertew of the said precept in all pointes, heads, articles and clauses thairin contenit, efter the formes and tennors thairof; and decernes and ordaines this present confirmatioun of the saidis chartor, precept and instrument of sasing to be als valeid, effectuall and sufficient in all respects as if the samyn wer at lenth and word be word insert heirintill, dispensand heirby with the not inserting thairof. And lykwayes statuits and ordaines the forsaid chartor, precept and instrument of sasing following thairupon, and this present ratificatioun thairof, with the infeftment and sasing of the lands and uthers forsaidis maid to Maister James Sydserff, now of Ruchlaw, and his airs and assignais thairin mentionat, be dispositioun and resignatioun of his said umquhile darrest father, ar and sall be sufficient, lawfull and valeid richts and secuirities to the said Maister James Sydserff and his forsaidis for bruiking and joysing of the lands and uthers abonewrittine conforme to thair saidis infeftments thairof perpetuallie in all tyme coming, ordaining thir presents to be ane sufficient warrand to the clerk of register and his deputtes for extending of ane act of parliament heirupon in dew forme.

  1. NAS, PA2/21, f.117r-v.